A Hospital for South Australia

Day 700, 08:59 Published in Australia Australia by Gabriel White

Hi everyone,

There have been many articles recently about why South Australia deserves a hospital. Here I present the main reasons for and against a hospital in SA, and ask the government WHY it has not acted and placed the hospital.

- Country growth
The fact is that hospitals ensure that the region grows. There are over 200 people in SA who are unable to fight and heal, which is a huge waste to our fighting capacity should we go to war. Ultimately many of these people will get bored and become inactive, hampering our ability to grow and recruit new players to the country. I've heard many arguments by those who oppose the hospital, claiming that "we should just give moving tickets to the players so they can move to a hospital state", but in reality everyone knows that this simply isn't going to happen.

- Immigration
Imagine if we complete our hospital network so that every state has a Q5 hospital. Potential immigrants are attracted by this as they see eAus as a secure place to train, work and run companies. As a senator, i've seen that there are relatively few citizenship applications received each month, and consequently this area needs improvement.

- Defense
A hospital in South Australia provides better defense for Australia as a whole. Its central location bordering almost every state (not to mention WA) means that should a war come SA will be a critical state.

- Tax rises
Despite my general opposition to tax rises and commie-policies in general, the recent income tax rises do put Australia in a better position financially to afford more hospital development.

- The bank robbery
The robbery that occurred several weeks ago supposedly stripped eAus of its funding for the hospital, placing the built hospital in limbo as to whether we should place it or sell it. As mentioned in other articles, we are in a good position financially again, and the 300 gold that we would gain from selling would only support the eAus military temporarily. The fact is there is very little else to spend the 300 gold on.

- They are all inactive
Its an easy claim to make, but A) they aren't, and 😎 maybe those that are inactive wouldn't be if they had had more support through the opportunity to fight

- Arrogance
Since putting forward my arguments on hospitals, the main opposition I have come across has been "you are new, what would you know" from the old guard. I would like to point out that this isn't actually a credible argument and ironically exposes your own lack of understanding on the topic.

Other articles on SA hospitals:
Hospital in SA!
How SA Can Secure The Q5 Hospital It Deserves
Southern Times

Thanks for reading,
Vote Gabriel White for the Senate in South Australia

Gabriel White
Senator for South Australia