Hospital- We Built It + TC's Silent But Deadly

Day 699, 05:20 Published in Australia Australia by Ollie Chase
Southern Times
Issue released day 699
Debate has sprung up again as to whether we should keep our recently constructed Q5 Hospital. The arguments for: Our recent NAB Robbery

But today I present to you the other opinion.

This hospital is the result of the work of many eAustralians who toiled hard to have it built. Now, thanks to a little robbery, it's possible that rather then contributing to the development of our nation it will be sold overseas. For how much? A sum of around 300 gold.

So, should it really be sold to cover our loss? Maybe, but in another way, isn't that loss going to recover over time anyway? It's just a quick fix for an impatient government. If we sell this hospital, then we'll be forced to begin the long process of building another hospital again to replace it, it's not cheap and it takes time.

I will be honest, Bass brought up some very good points by telling us that the extra gold from the Hospital could be used to fund our military and improve other services.
Those things are all good, but we need to permanently improve the Military, not just jack it up another 300 gold for a day. The only way a government program can be sustained is if the government produces the revenue to be able to afford to sustain it. That 300 will boost our Military by a lot, but only for a very short time.
Of course, there are very few ways to increase government revenue, one of which has already been put in place in order to actually recover from the NAB robbery crisis. A measure has already been put in place, tax hikes. If we sold the hospital, then wouldn't it be expected that we lower taxes back to normal levels?
The other method is to try produce a profit from Government companies, however that is questionable as well and Government companies are not designed for profit in such a manner if I've been informed correctly.
What's another way? We could put out our hands to the kind citizens of eAustralia and ask for donations, but then again some people have actually said that we don't need to do that sort of thing. It's strange really, we'll sell a hospital that could very positively affect our nation but we don't believe we can ask the citizens of our country help it grow through donations?

When I saw that the hospital had come back into the light again, I considered very seriously running a drive to raise 300 gold to see it stay, but I couldn't assure that I'd be able to convince enough people as well as convince the government to keep the hospital. It would be like our own country buying back our own hospital. Yea, why don't you go to your own garage sale and buy all your stuff?

I'm still considering trying it, but I don't know if I will be able to gather the support.

I guess in some way, it could help, but in reality this loss will recover at some point. Perhaps rather then selling off our hospital, deploy it as originally planned.

Yes, 300 gold is 1 Quarter of a total 1200 but if we deploy the Hospital in South Australia, South Australian new comers will be able to make use of it, ranking and levelling them faster, improving our potential military and our overall manpower, keeping them within the area and not putting the stress on them of needing to move early on. This will in result hopefully increase our populace which will in turn probably increase tax revenue, allowing a decrease of the over whelming amount stolen from our treasury and an overall improvement of our country in general once the amount stolen has finally been replenished.

Remember, the hospital was one of the things we payed for with our taxes, to sell it now would just reverse the hard work done to get it built. If we deploy this hospital that will be another state filled, another state that we can have Senators run in during Wargames, another state that would be able to fight if we ever did come across a real war. Another step towards our full development.

As I always say, it's your opinion that matter, but don't just follow the words of the article with the most votes, read, discover and form your own opinion. You may be one citizen but your opinion is important. Perhaps you can think of a solution? You could speak up and show the whole country, a good solution would not be ignored.


Southern Times -Civil War Edition-
Issue released day 699
Late at night in the Heart of Melbourne, silent winds swept across empty roads with burnt out cars. Zannite and Cozzlamic patrols walked the streets, little did they know another was there, hiding in darkness
This is the most extensive TC report to date

It was a quiet night on day 699. Patrols walked calmly through Melbourne's bombed out streets with little worry. TC was running and RVA was near crushed. Cozzlam and Zannites stood in unity with many allies.

But things changed in an instant. A rumbling filled Melbourne's streets as the biggest operation by TC forces to date unfolded. Cozzlamic and Zannite soldiers looked to the sky but saw nothing but a dark starry night. It was not until a Cozzlamic soldier commented that clouds seemed to have filled the sky that the whole city went into a state of warfare.

The quiet streets before the storm

Soldiers quickly filled the streets, dressed in deep black uniforms and terrifying the local forces. They had landed with no parachutes except for a few who used them only to gain an advantage and that seemed to swoop patrols before landing.
Bullets filled the streets sending local civilian forces deep into hiding. Power was soon knocked out and the city plunged into near total darkness.

Cozzlamic and Zannite forces were outgunned and overpowered during the "invasion". New age technology saw the TC forces deploy into the area quickly undetected through means that have yet to be discovered.

Southern Time's journalist managed to retrieve the diary of a TC soldier after the battle hushed in a temporary ceasefire.

I've never felt this feeling. I've paradropped from planes before, I've skydived off buildings, but never this.
I could feel the wind rushing through gaps in my armor as I dropped without a parachute into the city. We were well over the clouds. I was so scared.
Despite my fear though, I couldn't help but take in the view. Above the clouds we saw the city. It was lit up so much, but we could see areas that had been bombed out and suffocated of power. It was amazing. I could feel the adrenaline pumping through my veins. Command told us that adrenaline would be our downfall if we didn't use it correctly. Many men have died because they froze in fear or used adrenaline incorrectly. We were told to use our adrenaline for speed and power. We would use it to get to target zones quickly, always pushing ourselves and using the extra energy, never letting it overload us.

After I hit the ground I knew what they meant. I could feel my self over energized. I just ran forward, squad following quickly behind me. When we actually found a patrol we didn't even bother shooting, we just ran through them. We disarmed them and took them out quickly in what thankfully was non-lethal methods. After we disarmed them, we left them with the paradroppers. We still had so much energy so we kept running towards a power station. It was well guarded, but we were better armed. Lifting my rifle, I fired the small mounted rocket. The recoil was usually to much for me to recover quickly from but with all the extra energy it felt like little more then a bit of wind. When the rocket hit the guards at the gate were taken out, we used incendiary rounds to clean out the station. It was incredible. Exploding rounds and electricity go so well together.

We ran out of the power station just in time to watch the city plunge into darkness.

After that, we took out one more patrol and then formed up with other groups to form a temporary HQ.

The guns have gone quiet for now, but they will start up again soon, I know. The Cozzlamists and Zannites will retaliate. I just wish command would tell us what we were trying to achieve here

This diary is now back in the hands of the Soldier it belongs to.

The guns began firing again at 11:00pm when Zannite reinforcements from the north and Cozzlamic reinforcements from the south moved in upon the city. At first it was quiet in the darkness, but as soon as one gun shot was fired, the whole city near simultaneously broke into war.

Rocket barrages from ships recently spotted in the Eastern coastal areas are battering the city intensifying the fighting and near reducing it to rubble.

Tanks from the north have begun rolling into the city in hopes of calming the situation however hijackings have been reported and tanks have been seen causing havoc in major Cozzlamic and Zannite camps.

The aircraft that originally dropped in the TC Soldiers have dissapeared completely, it is unknown as to whether they were shot down or made it back to the hidden Tear Corporations HQ, the area of which seems completely unknown to anyone.
If they were shot down, the area they were shot down in is likely to be one of the largest aircraft grave yards in known existence.

Recent reports at 11:15pm show that the TC abrams tanks have made it into the city and the battle into the city seems to have escalated. Cozzlamic and Zannite forces seem to be praying that the fighting stops in the morning, as they are seemingly outnumbered and outgunned.

RVA forces are yet to have any serious involvement with little more then a few attack groups seen in the city streets.

A photo taken by an ST journalist near the Hospital in the region. The statue seen in the picture is of unknown origin.

The war seems to have begun again and in a spectacular as well as devastating fashion.