60 In 60 - Interview #25 & 26 -

Day 1,756, 19:59 Published in USA Canada by Acacia Mason

The Interviews so far (Click the names to access the article):

1) MaryChan
2) Alexander Rearden
3) CryingLightningPT
4) Chamrajnagar
5) GoranThrax
6) Wilhelm Gunter
7) Leo Balzac
8. Homer J. Simpson
9) Captain Kushskins
10) Dru Blood
11) Muglack
12) Ralph Kline
13) Addy Lawrence
14) Treian
15) Dennis McVicker
16) Crisfire
17) Wally Cleaver
1😎 Weezo1
19) Tenshibo
20) Talon Karrde
21) Chucky Norris
22) kwest78
23) Vrykolaus Drauvik
24) George Beeman

Today I give you...Beach Bunny & Nicholas Boyce

Beach Bunny

1) How did you get sucked into this game?

I got sucked into this game by my little bro who doesnt even play anymore. I have always been drawn to military and politics. I figured it could be some fun and it turns out it is a tad bit of fun.

2) How have you found the game community thus far?

Almost everyone is welcoming and always ready to help. of course there is the people who no matter what think their way is right and if your against them you the devil lol. ( RGR ) Other than that wack job the community is very nice and one of the reasons i'm still here.

3) What did you think of Evry as a CP?

Hmmmmm personally I only had one real problem. It seemed his diligence on letting the community know whats going on and whats in store was always a couple steps behind. I like the war with eCan. it was a lot of fun. Now i'm just bored fighting for allies. I don't believe we should of gone to peace with eCan either but that's a whole other can of worms.

4) You prefer your eggs served....?


5) Speaking of Breakfast...your favourite Breakfast cereal is?

Id have to say lucky charms I'm a little girl at heart.

6) If Hollywood made a movie about eRep, who would play you?

I'd have to say Zooey Deschanel

7) Your closest friend in game is?

Well I have a couple. AlleyRat my eHubby of course. Dinnyin the CO of my MU. George Griffin, TorrintheGreat my PP of CvPP. Mazzyllene, and everyone else i missed lol. I have a lot of friends.

😎 Do you agree with the eUSA dumping region bonuses?

I voted for it. But i believe its all part of a bigger picture. And thats the problem this game has. No one can see the bigger picture. Most people are worried bout right now and themselves and not the country as a whole. I see a lot of things wrong with this country but I'm only one person so who knows what will happen.

9) What is your lucky number?


10) Seriously though, is Israel Stevens GQ cover material?

Never seen what he looks like. Is he cute?

Nicholas Boyce

1) How did you get sucked into this game?

I think I was playing Tribalwars, so I cam and twocliked for a couple months. Then a couple months ago, I was looking for a game, and I remembered this one. So I joined in, and now am berrating myself everyday for my 2 year break, as I would have had a crazy high strength level by now.

2) What languages do you speak in RL?

English, French, and a tiny tiny bit of Latin

3) What is the first word that comes to mind when I say, "TemujinBC"?

Other than Butt?

4) What has surprised you most about eRepublik?

The potential depth of the gameplay, when I two-clicked for that first year or so, I had no idea how deep you could go in the game, or the fact that there were forums or irc, think of how many, potentially great, politicians or warriors there are, simply twoclicking away not knowing of the metagame.

5) Given the chance to sign up and do it all over again, would you?

Yes, Ive had a lot of fun in this game, and since I am a firm believer in never paying for a freenium game, Ive got nothing to lose 😃

6) What do you think the point of this game really is?

The point of this game is to beat your own goals. For any CK2 fans out there, where there is no set final goal (except the end date) you just play to beat your own score, you play to do better than you ever thought you could have done in the first place.

7) Ralph Kline recently suggested there should be some sort of end game to strive for, what do you think of that?

Having a set end game, will entirely change the game's dynamic. No longer will players be playing simply to beat each other, but they will have a time constraint and it will make life much more difficult for us freeloaders, as the Visatanks will simply buy their way to victory. However, make the profits from ads and destroy the concept of buying gold, and you got yourself a pretty cool game there.

😎 The last PM you read was from...?

STRINKERii, Columbian CP.

9) If Hollywood made a movie about this game, who would play you?

Either Christopher Lee for his cool voice, Sean Bean who looks like a rougher, and older, version of me in RL, or Clive Owen for the usual type of role he plays.

10) Heat is to fire as Rolo is to...?

Canadian Scandals

Until Tomorrow...