30 In 30 - Interview #1 - MaryChan

Day 1,727, 12:50 Published in USA Canada by Acacia Mason

Recently I announced my intention to get back to my roots in this space and go back to conducting interviews the old fashioned way...kind of.

My latest endeavour is the "30 In 30" in which I plan to interview 30 people in 30 days. The format for the interviews is Rapid Fire with only 10 questions, and none of which requiring the interviewee to write a novel to complete them. The questions will range from whimsical to thoughtful to plain old serious.

If you have not already done so, subscribe to this space and enjoy yourself over the next 30 Days as "Old Man Mason" runs the gauntlet with 30 vict...er...volunteers.

Would you like to be part of this series? If so, drop me a PM or just say so in the remarks section. I still have plenty of room to fill up so don't be shy. You don't need to be the cool/popular/elitist kid to participate...its all about having a little fun in a sometimes far too serious game.

On that note...away we go with my good friend, MaryChan!

1) How did you get sucked into playing this game?

I don't recall exactly, most likely clicked a link/advertisement 3.5+ years ago.

2) French Toast or French Vanilla?

French Vanilla-- I could get ice cream, coffee, & baked goods as well as chapstick/softlips and other scented products. Though, it would be awesome to try French toast flavoured ice cream, coffee, chapstick/softlips, et al.

3) Your single most memorable moment in this game is?

Getting my first (and only) Battle Hero. (Ugh, that's sad only having one BH in 3.5+ years. DONATE TO THE MARY CHAN BH FUND! xD) 'Twas awesome being a CAF girl getting immense support from TCO. They were the best cheerleaders I could ask for! Shout out to FRITZHILL, Einberliner, MoonBeam, RalphKline, Caladbolg, and Chucky Norris ("can't let [TCO] get all the credit"). Not only did I get a BH, but I got a cell phone number from running out of gold in the last few minutes with only one hit left to put me at the top... 😉

4) Settle the debate...TCO or CAF?

I'll stand by the CAF and say the CAF because my blood is too blue to bleed Crimson, though it has been tainted Crimson...

5) Finish this sentence. "Id Walk 1000 miles across a burning desert to eMarry TemujinBC if someone gave me...?

...awesome footwear and clothes to withstand 1000 miles of a burning desert, TemujinBC's credit card, eDivorce papers and an amazing eLawyer.
(eMary or eMarry? Err, why am I suffering to eMarry TemuButt?)

6) I wish the admins would...?

Bring back V1 and all of its greatness!

Since that won't happen, I wish the admins would stop being bums that don't communicate with us. I know in eRepublik, admins are all Plato-gods and whatever but it would be nice if we had regular updates, discussions and responses from them.

7) What country do you hail from in RL?


😎 What keeps you playing after all this time?

Awesome people.

9) What made you choose your username?

Real story: it was a generic name I happened to think of
Fake story that I wish was real: "Mary" came from a short 92-pg real story/journal that I absolutely loved called "you are safe here"

10) Finish this sentence, Jacobi is to Fedora's as Homer J Simpson is to...?

...firefighter's helmet.

My last thoughts aside from the interview:
Thank you Acacia for the interview and Northern Exposure. I absolutely love them, keep those podcasts coming!

& ~HYUU~

No, thank YOU MaryChan for being one of the nicest and enjoyable players I have ever crossed in this game. Continued success to you in all your eLife and RL adventures!

Until tomorrow...