60 In 60 - Interview #24 - George Beeman

Day 1,751, 17:46 Published in USA Canada by Acacia Mason

The Interviews so far (Click the names to access the article):

1) MaryChan
2) Alexander Rearden
3) CryingLightningPT
4) Chamrajnagar
5) GoranThrax
6) Wilhelm Gunter
7) Leo Balzac
8. Homer J. Simpson
9) Captain Kushskins
10) Dru Blood
11) Muglack
12) Ralph Kline
13) Addy Lawrence
14) Treian
15) Dennis McVicker
16) Crisfire
17) Wally Cleaver
1😎 Weezo1
19) Tenshibo
20) Talon Karrde
21) Chucky Norris
22) kwest78
23) Vrykolaus Drauvik

Today I give you...George Beeman

1) How did you get sucked into this game?

I clicked on a Serb's (CHLO) link on one of those FB debate boards. Being a big fan of Risk, I joined up. And my doom was sealed.

2) George Beeman is an unusual game name...how did you come to choose it?

Not any more unusual than 'Acacia Mason'. George is just a random name, and Beeman refers to the air rifles. Guns, not bees.

3) How did your last attempt at "Movember" go?

I looked wussier than Sidney Crosby during his first playoffs.

4) You've been playing for some time now...what would you say is your proudest accomplishment?

Getting elected to 9 Congress terms and being very active during each and every one of them.
Well, that and getting mentioned on Northern Exposure a couple times.

5) Whats the largest number of Zooks you have used at one time?

I go for easy BHs, so only about 25.

6) If Hollywood made a movie about eCan, who would play you?

Simon Helberg (Howard Wolowitz, Big Bang Theory) cause I'm an immature idiot.

(editors note: So is the editor 😛 )

7) What was the last thing you watched on YouTube before doing this interview?

...'Scion IQ Babe 'N Donuts'...

😎 Which do you prefer...Android, iPhone, or other?

iPhone all the way (I actually only own an iPod 4th Gen). Android is a bad ripoff of iOS.

9) What would surprise us the most to know about the guy behind the Beeman Avatar?

Since most of you guys know I'm only 15, I'd have to say the fact that I'm deaf in both ears.

10) Seriously...Is Captain Kushskins not the sexiest player in game?

Of course not. I am.

Thanks Beeman and don't you worry...a couple more years and you will be rocking a Movember Stache that will be the envy of Homer J Simpson 😃

Until Tomorrow...