2012 Coming True - Persistance

Day 886, 16:27 Published in Serbia China by Donnie Bronco
Dear Citizens of Phoenix,

Today, it might seem to be the end of the World. Attacks from a wide variety of directions, both offensive and defensive have occurred, and we are all trying to find the most efficient way to be victorious.

Rest assured, we are all constantly at work assessing the threat level to each Nation and Battle, and directing damage as efficiently as possible (as we always do).

There are several battles of note today, on this fine day.

1. Romania and Croatia attack Hungarian homeland. Not since the initial invasion of Hungary (by Romania) has anyone, and I mean anyone, activated any of the Hungarian MPPs. EDEN opening up Hungary's MPPs purely as a damage drain will come back to haunt them. We will focus today on the battles that the Hungarian leadership has directed us towards, but remember this:

If we barely lost Northwest Croatia against 14 MPPs from Hungary alone, what do you think we're going to do with 13 active MPPs of our own?

Finland anyone?

2. Spain activates Brazil's MPPs for a free war against Slovenia. They did this to regain the Rhone Alps, which is rather a let down at this stage. Poland, the strongest country in EDEN is out of Western Europe, meaning Spain would have to keep it. Combine that with Aquitaine, and the multiple attack points that we are afforded, and taking Rhone Alps from Spain will be half as difficult as it was from Poland.

The 18 MPPs from Brazil are just a bonus, really.

3. We thank each and every member of our Alliance, the Entente, and around the World for the effort we've all put into today's battles. We've worked together and largely been victorious in must-win battles. We're not going to be perfect, and we'll more than likely lose a couple, but we're going to choose the ones we lose, making them regions we either do not need or can regain in the future. As an Alliance, both Phoenix and the Entente have a lot to be proud of today.

4. Phoenix, contrary to popular belief, is just a bunch of countries who have been friends a long time in Erepublik. We're available on IRC almost all the time, should anyone be looking to seek us out. Anything you wish to discuss, we can always find time for.

5. Dear Romania, if this was your grand plan, it sucked. Hard.

Kistru, Dishmcds, blackmanta, Nameisis, and Jazar
Your Phoenix Staff