2-Clicker 2-Minute Morning Coffee Summary - 4 September, Friday Morning

Day 654, 05:02 Published in USA USA by Zheng He
Update, mid-morning coffee break!

Late breaking newsflash!
I have just been informed that the president of Indonesia, wizzie_don, has been permanently banned for or properties obtained through an illegal or unjust method!!! What will that mean for the war? Will we win Arizona because the prez isn't online to start another battle? Check back after 9:00 am Erep time (noon EDT!) to answer that question and stay tuned for more developments.

Battle Orders
The DoD Battle Orders say that we will get the initiative back today and quite probably attack California!! Be ready to keep your wellness up, buy weapons, fight 15 times ... have fun!

The text below has been partially rendered obsolete by new developments ...


Well, the war has come to a strategic standstill, and a 2-clicker heaven. Basically, us 2-clickers get to work, train, fight wherever Indonesia is futiley attacking and build up our strength, gold and experience points without worrying about whether we should buy weapons, move or try to mini-tank against California.

Russia is blocked in the north by Canada. Indonesia has the initiative, so the USA can't attack California, but Indonesia can't win a battle. So we are stalled in the west. With the new rules only allowing a retreat in the first 6 hours, Indonesia has to either win, retreat 4 times a day, or start another battle before losing the last one (which they've done for the last two or three days).

Russia's strategy is to try to start resistance wars, supposedly on our behalf, to create a buffer between their territories and Canada. That way Canada can no longer attack Russian held territories and Russia can attack the USA, helping Indonesia to break out. The Desertfalcon has a nice short summary of this situation in his Global Defense Report

I'm sure other strategies are in the works, but I'm not privy to our strategic battle plans (even if I were, I wouldn't put them here for my "loyal" PEACE readers 🙂 ).

This morning Indonesia is losing in Arizona. The battle will be over around 9am Erep time, so expect Indo to attack Nevada next.

One more concern is economic warfare! Yang Wenli, in his Teacup Journal, A Protective Guide to Job Hunting, gives us some good tips to avoid the "job honey trap". It seems that PEACE forces have been creating jobs in the USA, offering high wages, but then not having enough money to actually pay those salaries. If your employer can't pay you, immediately resign and find another job. You can still work and get paid that day.