eRepublik - What a Wonderful eWorld

Day 1,148, 03:44 Published in Croatia Croatia by Janko Fran
There is a saying:
"If you really want to get to know a person, then play a game together with that person." Therefore, eRepublik is a great game to get to know people.

I don't like eRepublik for its great interface or graphics, nor for their great everchanging and fair rules, options and extras, nor for buying gold and running companies or race for natural resources.

No, I don't like it for these things, I like it because of great people who I connect to and interact with.
The most of the game is not run inside the game at all, but outside of it.
And here lies its great potential.

Some of us are playing this game for a long time, for more than a year, more than two years, and some of us are new to this game, but all of us can make it a better place, only if we try hard enough.

So we have been playing it for quite some time and we got to know our Admins and their policies.
We got to know our friends and adversaries.
We got to know our journalists, their views, our polititians and parties, their programmes.
We got to know our country presidents and our parliamentarists.
We got to know our trols and our true friends.
Some even in person.

This virtual simulation of world compared to our RL world seems really simple at first sight.
However, the longer I play this game, the more and more similar to the real world it seems to me.
I see this eworld through actions of people. Real people. That is what connects these two worlds and that is why they are so similar.

When I think of this game and what it is, and when I think of it and what it could become, I see a lot of things to improve.
The same applies to the RL world.
I see this game as an excercize of real life, excercize of what we are able to achieve together in the RL.

Louis Armstrong - What a wonderful world

Now it is a good time to ask ourselves: how do we feel now?
Are we sattisfied with this direction, with the changes this eWorld goes through? Does it feel good? Do we feel well?
Are we true to ourselves? What will we have in the end, when all the golds are spent, when all the companies are bankrupt, when all the conquered regions are lost.
What will we have when we leave this game?
What will we have in the end?

We can adapt to these changes. We can leave this eworld and quit.
Or we can change it, we can influence it, we can leave our mark in it.
Do we want to change this eWorld for better? Can we do it? If we work together, yes, we can!

If we make it a better place step by step, we'll learn how to change our real world and make it also a better place. Together!
Then more people would like to come and share it with us.

So, what can I do? What can you do?
What can we do?

Get to know people in this eworld, get more friends in this eworld, connect, get involved, see what is not working, and we'll make it work. Together!
We'll make admins to get it done, we'll do it by ourselves if needed.
And in the end, we'll start improving our real world.
Because it really needs improvement!

Faithfully yours!

Janko Fran

P.S. Please, leave a comment! Add new friends! Leave your mark!


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