eFiles: Plato – His Character, His Work [HR-EN]

Day 1,163, 22:57 Published in Croatia Croatia by Beks0401

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Plato > Lik i djelo

U ovom broju pokušat ćemo odgovoriti na pitanje tko je, što je i čime se bavi Plato. Naš Plato s eRepublika, a ne onaj davno pokojni grčki filozof i matematičar Platon.

Svi ga vrlo dobro znamo kao svog prvog prijatelja na eRepubliku, kao lika koji nas
obavještava o svim dobrim i lošim promjenama i naravno kao glavnog administratora igre. Onima koji ne znaju dalje nabrojati tko je Plato, evo još nekoliko sočnih detalja o njemu:

- Rođen 4.lipnja, 2007.g. (vjerojatno jedan od najstarijih eGrađana 😁.
trenutno je 27. level, s 10,159 bodova iskustva.
- Državljanin Saudijske Arabije (rank 3), s trenutnim prebivalištem u glavnom gradu i provinciji Al Riyad.
- Status predsjednika države - iako nije izabran na predsjedničkim izborima i nema tu medalju, trenutno ima status predsjednika!

- Ima čak 142 MM medalje, no samo 2 SS medalje. Ostalih medalja nema (čak ni HW);
- Economy skill je samo 7 lvl;
- Strength samo 649;
- Military rank: Lieutenant***, bodova 4,466 (ovo mi je isto zanimljivo - dokaz da se i on borio u ratu 🙂 )
Uz pomoć novinara i dopisnika, Janka Frana saznao sam i gdje točno. 😃 Slika kao dokaz slijedi malo kasnije. Ako i vi saznate točnije gdje se sve borio, molim, pošaljite mi poruku i po mogućnosti sliku...

- Ima preko 90000 prijatelja;
- ima svoje novine eRepublik inside s preko 128000 pretplatnika i u prosjeku otprilike 2500 glasova po članku (što je otprilike 500 puta više subova nego na ovima mojima, i jedno 10 puta više glasova nego što trenutno ima ovaj moj članak, ali vrijeme je da se krene, pa lijepo molim i vaš vote i sub, da ga što prije stignemo i da vidi da nije nedodirljiv!)
- i ima svoju tvrtku!
Pa da vidimo malo što i kako radi:

- Tvrtka koju posjeduje je Q5 food, Plato's Food.
- Tvrtka ima jednog zaposlenika (samo Plato, znači, on ne koristi onaj novouvedeni rad kao menadžer).
- Trenutno u skladištu ima 272 Q5 kruha i 12089.96 graina.
- Tvrtka ima licencu za Grčko tržište, pretpostavljam zato što je Plato do nedavno bio grčki državljanin, no nisam primijetio da tamo prodaje hranu. (Ako vi primijetite ili kupite što od njega, javite mi!)

Ovdje se vidi još jedna zanimljiva stvar. Plato s economic skillom 7 ima produktivnost 983, što znači da koristi After work party booster koji stoji 0.99 golda. Sad pretpostavljam da isto tako koristi i najveći booster za treniranje.
Vidi se i zašto nema HW medalju, Plato je kampanjac koji odradi posao tu i tamo 😃, i nije baš redovit.

Za kraj mali zaključak:
mislim da je Plato sad počeo ozbiljno igrati; to se vidi po worku i strenghtu. Vrlo brzo će se razviti nastavi li redovito raditi i trenirati s boosterima. Mislim da mu je to i cilj, da postane moćan (ako ne i najmoćniji lik u igri). Vjerojatno je pun golda.
Od neslužbenih vijesti imam informaciju da je Plato imao svoje prste u potpisivanju MPP-a s eRumunjima. Ako je imao prste u tome, onda ima i u još nekim diplomatskim ugovorima, sigurno.

Vidi se da je i naš svetac Plato ipak udario po nekome:

(ctrl+lijevi klik misa za veću sliku u novom tabu)
Ali moja je prognoza da će ubuduće biti vrlo bitno na čiju će stranu stati. Tako su uostalom i grčki bogovi s Olimpa imali svoje miljenike i svrstavali se ponekad u sukobima na jednu od međusobno zaraćenih strana. Možda želi biti neka vrsta prirode na eRepubliku, prirodne sile ili možda čak prirodne e-nepogode i brinuti se da sve bude u nekoj ravnoteži. U slučaju da se Plato nakon nekog vremena razvije i uzme pušku u ruke radi ravnoteže u igrici mislim da bi to bila OGROMNA greška.
Draže mi je gledati ga ovako kao filozofa, nego strahovati od toga da će i on jednom poći u ozbiljan ratni pohod. U tom slučaju najbolje bi mu bilo da se prijavi u Vatrene guštere!

EDIT: (svidio mi se ovaj komentar pa sam ga odlucio ubacit u clanak, naravno uz dopuštenje autora komentara)

Fora članak! Vote i Sub!

Da, vidio sam i ja snapshot iz bitke s grčkog foruma gdje se vidi da je Platon tukao na ciparskoj strani:

Inače, ima još zanimljivosti o Platonu:

Ako je Platon zaradio 142 Media Mogul Medalje, a nije se morao mučiti kao mi ostali novinari za svaki sub, jer se subovi Erepublik Insideru dodjeljuju automatski, to znači da je od medalja zaradio 720 golda!

Ako je dio potrošio na unaprjeđenje tvrtke do Q5, to je 390 golda, što znači da mu je ostalo onda još 330 golda. Prema tome može još cca godinu dana trošiti svakodnevno po jedan gold dnevno na boostere... Usput će zaraditi i koju SS medalju, a ako postane i hardworker, mogli bi mu se još i dodatno poboljšati prihodi...
S porastom eRep stanovnika u eSvijetu, mogao bi dobiti i još koju MM medalju...
Inače, nije čudno da ne koristi rad kao manager u svojoj tvrtki, jer rad u vlastitoj firmi kao zaposlenik, troši manje healtha...
Čudno je da radi u svojoj firmi... To znači da si sam i isplaćuje plaću. I baš me zanima kolika mu je plaća!?

Nije to sve ni toliko bitno, ali mislim da je prava šteta što više ne objavljuje članke u novinama... Imao je stvarno korisnih članaka i kad god bi se uvodile promjene, to je bilo najavljivano...
Ovo s forumom nije fora...

Komentar: Janko Fran
link na njegove novine READeR USeR LINKeR molim i ovdje jedan sub 😉
Članak editiran uz malu pomoć Janka!

Pozdrav i pokreni se!



eFiles: Plato – His Character, His Work

In this issue we’ll try to answer the following questions: Who is, what is, and what does our Plato do? I mean our, eRepublik Plato, and not that Greek philosopher who died many centuries ago.

We all know him very well as our first eRepublik friend, as the guy who informs us on every negative (and some positive) change in eRep, and of course,

“Plato ®© is the only official account of the eRepublik Administration!”

To those who can’t say anything else about Plato, here are some more juicy details about him:

- Born on June 4, 2007 (probably one of the oldest eCitizens, and one of the oldest Greeks 😁. Currently he is level 27, with 10,159 experience points.
- New Citizen of Saudi Arabia (rank 3), with current address in the capital Saudi region of Al Riyad.
- Country President (CP) Status - Although he hasn’t been elected on presidential elections yet and although he has no such medal, currently he is holding a CP status!

- He is holding totally 142 MM medals, but only 2 SS medals. No any other medals yet! (not even a HW one);
- Economy skill level 7 only;
- Strength 649 points only;
- Military rank: Lieutenant***, 4,466 rank points (this is really interesting - the evidence that even he has fought in a battle 🙂 )
With a little help from a journalist and a correspondent, Janko Fran, I found out exact time and battlefield where Plato fought. 😃 The picture as evidence follows shortly. If you also find out specific locations of his fights, please, send me a message and possibly a picture...

- Over 90000 friends;
- Owns Newspapers eRepublik Insider with over 128,000 subscribers and approximately 2,500 votes per article in (which is about 500 times more subscriptions than in this newspapers of mine, and 10 times (give or take) more votes than this article is having at the moment, but it’s the time to move on, so please, your vote and sub are welcome, let’s catch him on in order to see that he is not untouchable!)
- and he owns a company!
So, let’s see what and how he and his company work:

- It is a Q5 food company named Plato's Food.
- The company has one and only employee, Plato himself (Does this mean that he doesn’t use work as a manager? I don’t think so...).
- Currently he has 272 units of Q5 food and 12089.96 units of grain.
- The company is located in Greece and it has a Greek Market licence [/b], presumably because Plato was recently a Greek citizen. However, I haven’t noticed that he sells any food there. (If you notice that, or buy anything from him, please, let me know!)

Here we can see another interesting thing. Plato is economic skill level 7 with productivity of 983, which means that he uses After work party booster at 0.99 gold cost. Now I suppose that he also uses the highest training booster.
We can also see why he doesn’t have any HW medal; Plato is a campaign worker, he works every now and then... 😃, and is not very regular at all.

Just a conclusion at the en😛
I think that Plato has started playing this game seriously recently. This can be seen according to his recent work and strength points. His growth could be impressive very soon if he continues to develop at current pace and if he starts working regularly and if he continues training with boosters. I think that could be his goal, to become mighty (if not even the mightiest character in this game). He is probably full of gold.
From other unofficial sources I’ve got some information that Plato was also involved in recent Saudi MPP with eRomania. If he was involved in this, then it is possible that he could be involved in other diplomatic actions as well.

We can see that even our Saint Plato has fought in a battle:

(ctrl+left mouse click to enlarge the picture and show it in a new tab)
However, my prophetic voices tell me that it will be very important in the future which side Plato will chose. Even the Greek gods from Olympus have had their favourites and have chosen sides in conflicts. Perhaps Plato would like to be some kind of Nature, or Natural Force, maybe even a natural e-disaster in order to take care for some kind of eWorld balance. In case that Plato chooses to develop his martial art skills and take heavy guns into his hands in order to secure some balance in the game, I think that would be a HUGE mistake. I prefer to look at him as a philosopher, than to fear from what he might do in some of his possible war. In such case, it would be best for us all if he joined Flaming Lizards Forces (Vatreni gušteri)!

EDIT: (I liked this comment so I decided to include it in my article, of course with a written permission from the author of this comment)

Cool article! Vote & Sub!

Yes, I have seen in Greek forum a snapshot from a battle where can be seen that Plato fought on Cyprian side:

There are some more interesting stuff on Plato:

If Plato got 142 Media Mogul Medals, and he didn’t have to struggle like the rest of us journalist for each and every sub, because Erepublik Insider’s subscriptions are assigned automatically, this means that he earned 720 gold coins from his medals!

If he has spent some gold to improve his company to Q5 level, that would be 390 gold coins spent, which means that he still could have 330 gold coins. According to this, Plato could work daily for almost a year with 1 gold boosters... In the meantime he could earn some SS medals, too, and if he becomes a hard worker as well, his income could improve even further...
With new countries added and possible increase of eRep eWorld population, he could also win some more MM medals...
Btw., it’s not very strange that he doesn’t use work-as-manager option in his company (doesn’t he really?), because working in your own company as an employee spends less health than working as manager...
The only odd thing about his work could be that he is self-employed... This means that he also writes his own paychecks and gets his salary in this way. I wonder how high it is, but that’s probably a business secret, just like Admins’ incomes are! 😉

It’s not that important altogether, but I think that it’s really a shame that Plato hasn’t published any articles in his newspapers lately... He really had some useful articles there and whenever there was a change in the game scheduled, it was announced in eRepublik Insider...
This thing with forum is not cool...

Comment: by Janko Fran
A link to his newspapers: READeR USeR LINKeR please some subs here as well 😉
The article was edited with a little help from Janko!

Best regards and make a move!
