Remembrances: Act II

Day 1,021, 17:20 Published in Ireland Japan by Donovan Thomas
Act I is located here.

Remembrances: Act II

Party On!

As I had mentioned in Part I, I had thrown my hat into the ring as PP of Independent Voices at the end of August '09 when Digits disappeared, but removed my name from the hat when Fionn resurfaced and took the reigns.  As September '09 began I decided to give it another go. I thought that my recent introduction of By Laws might show my dedication to my fellow members.

(For those interested, click this link and read the comments for an awesome public fight between Sean Power and I. Had it been in RL, I have no doubt that Sean and I would have done our best to beat each others heads in. I’ve always considered Sean to be my conscience, he of all people has never cut me any slack and I love him and respect him for it…)

We had some raucous debates on certain areas of the By Laws. Einberliner, Sean Power and 😎ayan (R.I.P) were especially helpful in hammering out the details. It was around this time that I became involved with 😎ayan and Kate Lennox’s (R.I.P) daily conversations. They had hijacked some other thread and since Kate was usually enjoying a cocktail (I was usually at work and jealous cuz I could sure use a drink!) I started the thread 😎ayan’s Drinking Club and opened the bar. A lot of fun was had there and I miss the good times and friends. These days the bottles are dusty and the jukebox silent.

Where was I? Oh yeah. So, Binksy and I had a gentleman’s agreement to both run for PP and may the best man win. We kept it clean and friendly, in fact we probably endorsed each other more strongly than we did ourselves.  The best man won; Binks beat me by one or two votes, but that didn’t stop us from working together. He promptly (under the new by-laws) tapped me as Vice-Party President and we kept trucking along.

Buy G-Irish!

September ‘09 brought an invasion of foreign business that began undercutting the local market something fierce. After some talks with some friends, notably Gráinne, I launched the G-Irish campaign and began publishing lists of indigenous companies and encouraging the people to buy Irish. It was moderately successful in that one could easily identify eIrish businesses and many citizens vowed to only buy eIrish, even if it meant spending a few more IEP. 

I was a month and half old and a few friends encouraged me to take my rants to the Dáil and start busting knuckles. I had recently been selected as Minister of Information by Patton and was ready take a more active role in the legislative branch of government and not just the executive. MoInfo was fun, but it wasn’t much of a challenge as it consisted of reporting on Cabinet meetings, offering the public a sample of international news and tips and tricks on maximizing your eRep experience with apps, widgets and third party websites.

The status quo said I needed a manifesto if I wanted to run for congress. Being a RL Yank, the word ‘Manifesto’ always had a bit of a dirty ring to it. It’s a word used almost exclusively in the US by fringe, radical or subversive groups or individuals making demands behind the barrel of a gun. I know that’s not the case elsewhere, but I decided to write something that was more me; The Pledgifesto. 

The reason for a Pledge, vice a manifesto was that I wished to impress upon the people that I was dedicated to ensuring their voice was taken to congress and not just my own.  It’s hard to avoid the use of “I” in a run for the Dáil (Unless you are ImperatorI, (R.I.P) and refer to yourself in the third person.)

As I have mentioned before, eIreland was a different place then. Almost every TD had held their seat for multiple elections and partisan voting was never stronger. I noticed that Mannimarco’s (Banned) seat was vacant since he had fled the country following the Ten Minute Coup so I scraped up the gold and moved from Cork to Dublin. It was also a time when only two votes could get you into the Dáil (still true for the most part).  I pulled out 18 just trailing Octavious with 20 and splitting Binksy’s former record of 33.

Legislation that month was rather bland, regular arguments on alliances, Banc transfers etc. I soon found out as many new TD’s do that the word constituency has no real meaning in eRep. I set up a spot on the forum for citizens to contact me, implored Dublin’s residents to pm me. I got one question in the constituency thread by Mark200 (R.I.P). That was it.  It was not all tedium though. I had the honor of working closely with AltmerVampire on the Raleigh Treaty and worked with Niall and Rollo on a new international alliance proposal.

It was about this time that I was approached to take over as Minister of Intelligence.  I reported directly to Gráinne and kept Patton in the loop. That was loads of fun. I contacted some friends and and enemies alike from an anonymous org and had them verify my credentials with the MoD. A few of them went off and joined foreign armies and reported back on structure, tactics and logistics.  A few others were elected into office in some of our neighboring opponents parliaments. It came to light later that there were two MoIntels, we were both unaware of this fact for a good portion of our shared tenure.

I had met a new e-young player shortly before this. She was full of piss and vinegar and in many ways reminded me of myself. I brought her on board as a sort of Minister of Homeland Defence. She would evaluate all new citizens, immigrants etc and report back to me. She did an outstanding job and was one of the best Multi-Hunters I have ever met. Her name is Edana Savage. I think she went on to accomplish a thing or two after that (<--- understatement).

Suits and Boots

Given my RL job it is no surprise that I am more interested in the military aspect of the game. In October, Patton was re-elected for a second term and Gráinne stepped down as the MoD to take a break, travel and sharpen her skills in her quest for Field Marshal. Patton tapped me for MoD and I hit the ground running. The first thing I did was to appoint Conor Larkin as my CoS. Next, based on a hint from Gráinne I hunted down Michael Collins (whom I had trolled here and there), swallowed my pride and asked him for some help. Mike was amazing, and for free tech support, there is none better.

Within a week we had our first IDF API, re-enlisted everyone and started chugging. For many it was the first time that the IDF had shown any interest in them. We were lucky to have Patton as president then for he gave us his full and undivided support.

We set up Boot Camp, The O’Malley Hall Barracks (Named for Gráinne) and started taking a proactive approach to teaching our people how to fight.  We instituted the IDF Oath of Enlistment, trimmed the divisions down, solicited new CO’s and implemented the position of Executive Officer. It was a grand time and for those that don’t know Conor, he was and outstanding CoS and a damn good friend.

Peer Pressure  and Hubris

It wasn’t long before people started encouraging me to run for CP. Before V2 there was no Flash based aspect to the game and I was able to stay on line nearly all my waking hours from my iPhone. I was able to monitor the National Forum from my computer at work and all in all, I was online all day. It got to a point where I was working harder in RL just to have more time to spend on the game. If this has happened to you then you understand the absolute insanity of it.

I wanted to run for CP some day but I thought it was a little too soon. I’d only been in the Dáil a month, same with MoD etc. Patton had not declared his intentions for the next term yet. Things started to gain momentum and Binksy announced in the IV forum that I was ‘our’ choice for CP.  I tried my damndest to get Gráinne to come on board as VP ahead of time. I still think that had she done so that we might have won but she would have none of it. She was 100% boot and suffered from Suit Rash. Besides, she had other plans.

I talked it over with Patton and he let me know he was running for a second term. Things had progressed too far to call it off and Patton and I agreed to run a clean race. We both probably held back a lot of things we could have divulged about each other but since we were friends, it just didn’t seem right. I asked Patton to take on an advisory role as “Special Liaison” if I won and he assured me that if he won, he’d like me to remain as MoD.

It was a four-man race with three viable candidates. Here are the results.

Not a bad run for a noob, especially one going up against two former presidents, both of whom were Beta Giants. The day after the election I posted a congratulatory article and got back to work on Defence vowing to run again “Some Day”…

Diagnosis: Apathy

As October '09 wore on the worst thing you can think of happened. I got bored. Gráinne had been recruited to the Theocratic Holy Army and was having a ball fighting with them, reveling in the camaraderie, intelligence and professionalism. In eIreland things were boring by comparison. The Dáil was the Dáil,  the IDF was stagnating due to no real war and inconsistent war games and I was itching to make my first Battle Hero run and make General.

As the 25th of October '09 neared I formulated my plan. I would not run for another term in the Dáil. I spoke to Patton, let him know I wished to sow my wild oats and as soon as my seat in the Dail was filled, I resigned MoD and my good friend Kit Fisto stepped up to fill my shoes.

I had applied for the baddest bunch of brawlers in the e-world at that time and been accepted. I was on my way to eSouth Korea and the Theocratic Holy Army.

En😛 Act II