Not a Manifesto but a Pledge

Day 660, 13:32 Published in Ireland Japan by Donovan Thomas

Good Day eIreland,

Yesterday in the Independent Voices forum I announced my candidacy for "Party" President. I do so not in spite of the other candidates (Fionn and Binksy) but in celebration of them, their contributions and leadership. I do not look upon them as opponents, but as patriots and brothers. I bid them both good luck.

Please take note of the title of this article.

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary defines Manifesto as "a written statement declaring publicly the intentions, motives, or views of its issuer"

It defines Pledge as a "binding promise or agreement to do or forbear"

Please also take not that I have placed the word "Party" in quotations. I place special emphasis on this because though game mechanics force us to join a political party to fully enjoy some of the privileges inherent to our system I do not see Independent Voices as a "Party".

It is my opinion that Independent Voices is an organization of free thinkers not tied down by manifesto, ideology, economic dogma or social agenda. We are, in my opinion sovereign in our independence, each delving across party lines in support of issues and ideals personal to us which we believe are in the best interest of eIreland.

Why a Pledge in lieu of a Manifesto?

Though calling this a manifesto would be semantically correct I believe it places too much emphasis on the personal desires of the writer; my only personal desire if to serve my fellow independents.

My pledge is thus;

-To engender intelligent debate preserving and fostering Political Independence and open and equal discourse ensuring to the best of my ability that all members have an equal voice.

-Stimulate an environment suitable for promoting goodwill and camaraderie.

- Demonstrate by example a sense of responsibility in support of the eIrish people in keeping with innate values of tolerance, respect and equality.

- To aid in growing a renaissance of independence along with non-partisan cooperation, love and loyalty of country.

I sincerely thank you for your time, good luck to my brother candidates, and good day.

Very Respectfully,
Donovan Thomas