10 Questions: Blake Chrysostom (Endorsement)

Day 544, 20:13 Published in USA USA by Claire Littleton
~10 Question Series: Blake Chrysostom~

As noted in my article: HERE, this is my second installment of my 10 Question Series where I select 10 people that I will be endorsing for Congressional Representative. I have selected 10 and first was Oprah Winfrey! I promised that Mjdiv was up next, but he had to write up a Press Lie, er, I mean Release.... for President Scrabman. So, today, we have Blake Chrysostom who is running for re-election in Kansas!


1. Intro to Blake
2. Interview with Blake
3. Closing

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Intro to Blake Chrysostom

Blake Chrysostom is a current Congressman from Kansas and a member of the United Independents Party (UIP). I have worked very closely with Blake and have come to grow quite fond of him because of his transparency ideals and his eagerness to share Congressional Business with the people of the eUS. He has written updates for the Speaker's Word, the official Newspaper of Congress. He also heads up the Communication Department in the UIP and is very active in helping out new members and strengthening the party. Blake is always full of good ideas and has a willingness to work on anything across the board. Now that I'm done shamelessly promoting him, on to the interview:

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Interview with Blake

I caught up with Blake at the UIP Headquarters in D.C. He suggested we meet at Hooka Harry's to do the interview, but I declined because I'm not into that UIP Hippy-Pot-Smoking stuff... so instead, I grabbed a bottle of vodka and sat down with Blake...

Claire: Thank you for meeting with me, Blake. Would you like a White Russian? I know it inappropriate seeing as how we just lost to them in the War, but...

Blake: Say no more. ~~Blake grabs the vodka and chugs~~

Only the best for the Congresswoman of New Jersey... King Vlad, the Grey Goose of the Dirty Jerz

Blake:You have some questions for me?

1) Claire: Uh, wow... sure... so, you are a current Congressman in his first term. What have you, yourself, done in this term to make Congress a better place?

Blake: Well, first of all, I'll say that Oprah Winfrey is a hard act to follow, so I'll just be honest about what I've been doing. I've worked consistently this term on watching and listening to see how congress works. But most of my policies center around government accountability and honest deliberation. I'm a member of the Government Oversight Committee, and we're all about accountability. I've worked as a part of that committee to try and bring regular congressional updates. The first one Claire, you, recently published, and I'll have another one out this week. We need openness in all areas of our government, not just the presidency. You can find that here: Congressional Mid-Term Report

2) Claire: If elected again, what is going to be your main goal in your second term?

Blake: Well, now that I've learned the ropes a little more, I'm going to try to continue with the congressional updates. I'll also feel more confident to make some more proposals of my own. One thing I'm interested in is Claire's recent proposal to have a Junior Congress Committee to help out 1st term members of Congress. I would be interested in chairing that committee, and I'll also work for a restructuring of the budget to allow for more Mutual Protection Pacts, particularly in Asia so that we can get up in Indo's face more.

3) Claire You seem really interested in this Claire person... do you have a crush on her? I mean... she is quite sexy from what I recall.... ~~I blush and bat my eyelashes at Blake~~

Blake: Well....I can neither confirm nor deny those rumors. But I do think that Claire has some really good ideas and she's a hard worker, and we share some of the same commitments for open and accountable government so ya, maybe I do have an eCrush...of a solely political nature. ~~Blake blushes and scooted closer to me, but I kicked him in the shin~~

4) Claire: Let's keep this professional, could we Blake?.....~~Awkward Pause~~ Would you explain your title in the UIP and tell me how you think party politics should work within Congress?

Blake: Well, in the UIP, I am the Public Relations Coordinator, which is sort of a press secretary and aid to Party President Ansen in the area of public relations. I think that parties in eRep are very different and it makes an essentially non-ideological party like the UIP possible. That's because ideology really has no place in the eRep world. I think that most of the time congressional voting behavior depends mostly on pragmatism, or what we think will work best. I can see parties in Congress as networks for the members to promote support for their own legislation or legislation that they are passionate about. That's working well currently with the UIP, and I can see it as a good model for all the parties.

5) Claire: What do you think Congress can do to strenghen th military after the latest failed attack on Russia?

Blake: Well, I've learned this term that Congress really doesn't have that much control over the military. Our only task really is in allotting money to the different branches. But one thing we can do is accelerate the work to reform the Armed Forces. We pour a sizable chunk of our military budget into the Army, which is virtually non-existent at the present.

6) Claire: What is the difference between the Army and the Marines?

Blake: Well, that's tricky. In theory, the Army should be the branch between the National Guard, and the elite, the Marines. It should be deployed overseas to conflicts, just not with as much funding as the Marines.

7) Claire: You seem to have a keen interest in the Military... if re-elected, would you focus some more time on the Military Committee?

Blake: I think the military is the chance we have to really do something with ourselves in this game. Otherwise we sit around and debate nothing, and it's ePolitics, not eRepublik. So yeah, I would love to serve on the military committee if asked.

~~At this moment I drew a blank at what question to ask next, but then I remembered Barbara Walters... so I thought to myself, what would she ask?~~

😎 Claire: If you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be?

Blake:Hmm, my dad has a degree in forestry, so I could think of all sorts of obscure trees if I asked him, but I think I'll go with a pine tree, because they don't give a crap about seasons, they're always green.

Like a pine-tree at Christmas, Blake can make you feel warm and fuzzy... or he can prick you and make you bleed....

9) Claire: Oh, you are a daddy's boy... speaking of role models, who is your eRep role model and why?

Blake: My eRep role model would definitely be Ansen. He advised me when I first started the game to be patient. Everyone wants to rush into being as powerful and influential as possible, but Ansen has been steady and reliable and even-keeled. There's a lot to admire there.

10) Claire You seem really interested in Ansen... do you have a crush on him?

Blake: Umm..no...I, uh...

~~At this point, Blake (very drunk) gets up from his chair and runs out the door. I can only imagine he was going to vomit... or perhaps he had just blown his cover for the homosexual love affair with Ansen... who knows... Anyway, I got up, stumbled around and left. I had forgotten my security card and had to flash the Guard my breast to get out. I guess I could have left that part out...~~

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By the end of this I was rather plastered and didn't even remember interviewing Blake, so I called him the next day. He had informed me that the interview was done and asked me to have everyone visit his profile and friend him. You can find that HERE.

In the next 10 Question Interview, I will be speaking with a bright man who happens to be my successor as White House Press Secretary! Mr. mjdiv. This time, I promise it will be him... and I will be less drunk.

Thank you for reading and remember to subscribe to A Little Claire-ification to be up to date with this series as well as other great articles including my Gossip Column, "Hear-Say From the Hill coming out soon!

~Claire Littleton
Congresswoman, New Jersey
Deputy/Acting Speaker of the House

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