[WTP]~ The People Have Spoken; Updates Inbound.

Day 2,085, 11:12 Published in USA USA by Hale26

Salutations WTP.

Here is the followup article on the various endeavors launched in the last newsletter. Inside this edition of whatever-it-is-I-call-these-things, you'll be finding the results of the VC reff, The Winner of the Media Contest, FPS Update and a Shoutout. Not in that order though. FPS>All.

Plus, FPS this time around comes with a little bit of gold. You want to win gold? Read on.

WTP's Premier activity starting program is BACK !

What do I speak of, some of you ask? None other than one WTP's trademark programs, FPS (Forum Points Scoring). Using a complicated scoring system devised months ago, Noablule Elubaon assigns points to all of WTP's Forum Activity. Which, I must proudly say, is on the upswing. Should be even more on the upswing, considering that I've just started a War. But that's for later.

FPS has traditionally ranked only overall activity and shout activity, alongside Forum activity. This month, we will be included points earned in this time frame. But alas, Shouts for 3/4s of July are not included in this update. Ever-Intrepid Samdoo will be fixing this problem asap, with all points from Shouts going into the next update.

Enough of my talk. Here is this month's scoreboard~

Some of our most notable gainers are...

Gotta admit, I'm getting close to beating Mazz. Once this term is over and I get time to spam the forums...yeah, spot #1 is as good as mine.

Longtime party member, and founder of WTP, JJ has risen to #9 this month. Granted, a good deal of that is his FPS acc being reactivated. But he is proving to be, as usual, a storm of activity.

So much for your vacation, eh RG? RG has picked up many a post and topic this month, zooming his way to spot #11. While just shy of the T10 by a topic or two, RG is looking to be T5 material this month. Best watch out Oblige.

Talos, being the excellent VPP he is, made a good showing on the Forums and Shoutfeed. While he only gained 2 ranks, this is more due to a few people exploding up than him not being super active.

The ever-annoying bestest son of mine made an awesome showing this month, jumping just shy of the T20.

DMV's points are all a result of this month's showing. DMV being super active, this is to be expected. Good performance.

Our resident DoD-Orders Drill Seargent made his break into the T50 this month with an awesome showing, as well.

Uncle Buck (Also Known as Fredi Mercury)
UB, with his....eurm...retention "skills", made a decent show this month. All this from a non-forumer, too.

Legit being half a point away, you guys are gonna have to share a bubble. But neverless, both show great signs of promise on the FPS chart. All this too, without 3/4ths of July's Shouts !

But no, we're not done with FPS yet. Now that you've all seen your scores, I direct you to this little contest that was set up awhile ago. Basically, we give one FPSer 1 gold for themselves, and 1 gold for the person of their choice. The FPSer is chosen by adding every FPS point, then using random.org to select one. If one of your FPS points is selected you win.

The winner of this month's golden crossbow is.....

RaccoonGoon !
You gotta try harder at this "vacation" thing, RG. It's not working out too well lol. Nonetheless, your 1 gold has been given and 1 gold will be sent to a fellow WTPer of your choice.

You want gold for being active? Just Shout on our feed and participate on the Forums. Simple as that.

Next topic to be discussed~ WTP's Voter's Club Referendum.

As I mentioned last article, Voters Clubs are a bitter plague that sweeps our nation. VCs encourage desensitivation of the media module, leading to less reads and poorer communication. Sure, a VC will get your message heard the first time it's used. But time, after time, after time...?

On top of that, VCs hurt young writer's. WTP having hosted many of eAmerica's up-and-coming writers, that stings. To think that our people can't get their articles in the T5, just because the Gov thinks they should vote-buy everything into the public eye.....that's wrong.

Seems I'm not the only one to have these sentiments. With an over 90% mandate, WTP has stated that they're against the exorbitant use of Voter's Clubs. Our stance has been found, and now, we begin to solidify it.

It will be a long road to limit the use of VCs in eAmerica. Make no mistake, VCs will always exist. POTUS elections, for example, that's a big time for VCs. But at other times....it isn't worth it. VCs may not be erradictable, but can we control them? You know it.

We've found a direction to pursue on this issue, WTP. Now, time to begin our journey.

Walking, gently walking towards the door of the former Baron Residence I go. Since the conversion of Glasgow to Red Peasant Hands, we've found great use for this area. Many a great battle plan against the forces of elitism were made here. Personally, I owe that to the mahogany fireplace. Nothing spells victory quite as well as mahogany.

An aide opens the door, quite frantically. "Sir, battle reports are back from St.Andrews!", the aide blasts out. His tone seeping but through the first layer of my flesh, this doesn't disturb me.

"What of them, comrade ?", I query.

"Twas a victory Sir but...the Barons sir, they've regrouped in Aberdeen !", franticness in his voice escalating despite the rather neutral news.

"And....why is that such a problem? We drove them out of the lowlands, how can we not drive them out of but one city?", I said with annoyed puzzled-ness upon my brow.

"They've convinced the Highland lords to side with them, Sir! They've ammassed an entire army of Highland Lords and Serfs. Division upon Division of Highlander has declared war on the Revolution, Sir !", he exclaimed.

"But...we've been 1 week at war!" I yelled. "Their resources are gone, finished, expended. Thi...This can't be happening !"

Sorry Generals Rahl and Geronimo, but the Barons are back!

In case you haven't heard, WTP is restarting our awesome forum game for another month. Using the karma system on the eUSA forums, WTP Barons and Peasants fight it out for their own versions of an "independent" Scotland. One preaches of Stability and Growth, the other of ending elitism. Personally, being PP, I like this whole Baron thing.

Wanna help make a free Scotland? Simply click on this Forum Thread, and play away! Make a post when you get there btw to make yourself known.

Nothing like a good war, amirite? Plus, it's got maps \o/

Those Barons sound p.cool

Now, to The Media Contest !

The results are in WTP. The articles, rated from highest to lowest were...

Toaster + bear + Lizard = Not in eKansas Anymore ~ 5
The Dark Side of the Forum~ 5
[WTP] Hale26 Interview~ 4.6
First Impressions: Populism in eUSA~ 4
Why I love We the People ~ 4
The War on eUS Soil~ 4
Down to 4 ~ 3.4
The Fall of The eUS ~ 3
Join Today!~ 2.8
People don't understand the effectiveness of Homer's directness. Tis a shame

The writer with the best score is Gaius. While I love Gaius beyond words, he has left WTP for the NLR. As promised in the contest, person with highest score gets ingame spokesman position. So our runner up, and winner of ingame spokesman, is.....

Irule777 !

Irule will be assisting Uncle Buck in the running of WTP's Media Team from here on in. Their current 5-day goal is to get our staff writers together, put out some stuff (article each?), and compose the Library. Not too hard, right?

Congrats to Irule777 and all other participants !

This is something I just want to clear up, real quick, before getting into our final segment. As you all know, WTP has off-forum voting. This falls in line with our populist principles and ideals of strong communication. Leaders lead through communication, not their vote. Let voting be in the hands of everyone, not only the forumers.

This is where we run into a problem. I was informed a few days ago that Federalists were able to vote in our Primary. Apparently this was posted up on the Fed Public Board and was something that people believed enough to come to me about.

Simply put~ WTP will not let itself be slandered on another party's forum. I get this wasn't Fed Leadership saying that. And, as far as I know, they don't know who started the topic.

WTP doesn't get targeted on another party's forum. Our people put good work into our safe Census. Mike Ontry put good work into this tool. Hitting on another party, even for lulz, on something like this...just not cool.

Moving on, we've got the FTW update !

See, a few days ago, WTP had a discussion on whether or not the free-hand outs thing we do with FTW is so good. I mean, shouldn't people work for their supplies? Seems only right that since WTP is giving supplies that the program benefits the nation in some way.

Well, it'll benefit the nation now. We've put up requirements saying that if you want supplies, you *must* comment on the DoD Orders. Agree with them or not, the DoD paper is a shining example of Exec Communication. It deserves to be pushed into the public eye, doesn't it?

Also, we've cut back on supplies for members and non-members as reflected on the doc. Needless to say, we're going through some budgetary problems. For that reason we may be soon opening up a fundraiser for FTW. Again though, that's farther into the future.

That's about it for this WTP Update WTPers. Or, so you'd think. I've got one more article out tonight. It's a bit shorter, but just as important.

Anyways, be sure to INSURGIO~ this while on #1. See you at #2