[WHPR] Reward Release

Day 3,781, 19:12 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room

Dateline: Thursday, March, 28 2018 (Day 3,781)
Location: James S. Brady Press Room, The White House

Special announcement: do not miss this DoI article on, Active Programs for eUS Citizens

MaryamQ w/ Unsung Heroes
Salty with Carlos3652
Vp's weekend giveaway winners
Congressional members link

Greetings from the Department of Defense,

Every week, the leaderboards show the top fighters in all divisions and in the air. Every week, we see shouts about battle heroes, campaign heroes and sky heroes. We are grateful for these top fighters. Often we couldn’t win battles without them. But our ranks are filled with unsung heroes, people who give everything they have to win battles, even though there is no medal in store for them. Today we want to recognize some of them.

When I asked a couple of colleagues in the government to suggest names of unsung heroes this week, all 3 of us thought immediately of the same name: David Wilson.

David is a recently returned older player who has plunged right into activity. He is active in the media, and is serving in the national press corps. He is the current president of TCP, and he is a member of EZC Airborne. This week, he impressed several of us with his dedication to fighting for the eUS, in particular in round 4 of the Cork RW of day 3778-3779. This was a hard fought air battle which we needed to win, and it was not decided until near the end.

David put down 167,600 worth of damage in this battle, coming in a close second, and was seen to say that the sky hero medal did not matter to him as long as we won the round. We salute him for his service. He may not have won a medal, but he is a hero.

Others we wish to give honorable mention to include:

Whiskey Jack, while he is certainly not an unknown fighter, it should not go unnoticed that he put down a jaw-dropping 1,513,952 in air damage in the 4th round of the first Cork RW. He was closely followed by Gnilraps, who did 1,284,416 in the same round.

Wild Owl has not only provided significant D3 damage, but has also made himself available to maverick pack players to hit in D3 when needed, and has provided CO’s from his MU when they truly made a difference.

rainy sunday, who is currently an expat, but always one of our own, and Herr Vootsman, best known for his tireless service to citizen support programs, each provided over 100,000 in air damage in the same round as David Wilson on Sunday.

There are others, too numerous to mention, fighting every day for the eUS community. To all of you, we offer a big thank you! Keep up the good fight! o7

Hi, I’m with the WHPR and I was wondering if I could interview you

Salty; Hi, do you mind if I ask you a few basic questions about your government department and position? Could you describe the daily duties as MoFA and what exactly the department works on for day to day operations? Also any advice for anyone who wants to potentially take up the office of MoFA?

Carlos3652; So to start off, my discord and in game PM's are open to anyone that wants to talk. From CP / MoFA / Government officials around the world to our citizens here at home. I try to be available for anyone that has questions about the game, or strategy of where to fight and why.

Daily duties that I try to keep up with are:
* Setting the daily priorities on where to fight via a dedicated DoD MU pm to all the eUSA MU's CO's and XO's.

* Shouting daily on the National Wall the Air Battles of our allies wars (non travel ones) and helping with Warthog possibilities.

* Working with the Executive Branch and Congress to ensure everyone is on the same page with our Foreign Affairs strategy.

* Working with our PACIFICA Allies to work together on common goals and help each other out when needed.

* Working with other MoFA's and CP's around the world and ensure we have open communication so that we can make new friends.

* Always looking to plan for the next Real War or negotiate a Training War.

* Read international newspapers and keep tabs on everyone else's Training Wars / Real Wars.

* Make sense of why things are happening and always be 3 steps ahead of everyone else.

* And many other things that I probably would have to kill you after I told you 🙂

Advice: You need to learn everything about the military module and how MPP's work. You also need to read up on history. One thing I learned is that eCountries do not forget / forgive very easily. You also need to be patient, cannot and won't change things overnight - things are negotiated and sometimes take time. Take a deep breath and enjoy the ride.

VP's weekend giveaway winners; prizes to participants in Round 4 & 8 of the Cork battle!

Eleanor Norton


1,000 USD - Jd Jack Serenade
500 USD - Carlos3652
500 USD - I despicable me I
500 USD - Jipex

Congress was seated for yet another month, go to elections and click on the Congress elections icon for the list of the present membership. For up to date discussions on the important matters of our country, go to the eUS forums; scroll down to the Legislative Branch and click on the Child Boar😛 Public Congressional Proceedings icon.