[USA] Republican Party President?

Day 876, 23:41 Published in USA Pakistan by Max McFarland 2

Citizens of the eUSA,

Would you like some theme music?
~ Imagine

President Woxan asked me to run for Party President of the Republican Party. Apparently there is some threat of a domestic political takeover attempt. I cannot say I know much of the details, but since I do trust President Woxan, I hopped back to the eUSA, requested citizenship, and ran for Party President.

Please vote for me as Party President of the Republican Party if you trust President Woxan.

The old Party President of the Republican Party has resigned, declaring Pizza the Hut (who leads me by 50-😎 a PTO, leaving me Party President. Please consider this and vote accordingly in this election. I know there are many contests going on, and this is only the number six party, but please consider that the possibility of multiple accounts being used is here, and President Woxan feels this one is pretty important.

This is the Election Link:
1. The party image has been changed to my avatar.
2. The party name has been changed to Vote for McFarland.

This is Woxan's article.
~ Of course, if you own party is under threat, vote there first. If not, please vote for me.

Cheers. 😉

Max McFarland 2
National Security Advisor, eUSA