Day 876, 23:13 Published in USA USA by Woxan


Party President elections are upon us, but we must avert the work of DIOless heathens who wish to undermine our God Righteous American Democracy. America, this will not be allowed to stand. We will undo the work of possible PTO threats and secure our top 10 parties.

We currently have a party owned by a Pole by the name of Owner. It is not government supported, much like Peru, but thanks to the diligent work of people like ST KREMS and others, the party has been weakened and reduced. Great success, but we have other things to look at as well.

The current ranked 6th party in America, the "Republican Party," has undergone rapid, unusual growth and has strong ties to known PTOers lead by a certain megalomaniac. Vote for Max McFarland 2 instead. If you are a member of the Republican party: the whip behind the party, Pizza the Hut, is a known PTOer and threat to America who likes to spin rhetoric and lies to gain power. He and associated members have let known enemies of America into ours borders, endangering us all. TEAM AMERICA is here to stop him.

The Democratic Republicans should vote for Angelini, a possible PTOer may have slipped into the ranks as well.

My Party: I'm running for reelection. Vote for me if you like Dio.

We face domestic and foreign potential PTO threats, we keep them out and keep America great. You can't lose with that combination.

Also, I hereby issue the following decree: the built-in forums by eRep shall be considered The Offical Lulz Forum of America. All srs discussion happens here.


Woxan, what is all this dio stuff?
The WIKI is your friend

On Friday, April 16, America will never be the same again.