*UPDATED UPDATE*Sex, Scandal, Lies, and Ajay Bruno

Day 585, 18:33 Published in USA USA by Joe Newton


Who called it?!!?

"Today, June 28th, 2009 the CvP Primary has been canceled by the CvP Senior/Upper Council."

"Ajay Bruno is no longer an official CvP member and that he is shunned upon by CvP Leadership and members."

More information here:


Now the last update, from the day before the CVP primary was discounte😛


Chris Stanwick has just left the Bruno campeign!
read http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/stanwick-leaves-bruno-campaign--842867/1/20 for more info

Now back to your regularly scheduled program.

As many of you probably know, a few nights ago, their was a massive press conference in #cvp3 on IRC at 9pm EST, at Ajay’s request. At it's peak there were 41 members in #cvp3, and 23 in the #AjayConference room, where people were able to talk without moderation. The event was so massive that the CVP was forced to quiet everyone but CVP members and those allowed to ask questions. This article is quite large and varied, so I have divided it into 7 sections, but feel free to read it all. It’s not that large.

1.) Overview *update*
2.) Sex
3.) Scandal
4.) Lies
5.) Ajay Bruno
6.) Rimjobs
7.) Closing quotes
*NEW*8.) Comments About My Article

NOTE: A better formatted version of this article is available here: http://docs.google.com/View?id=dfzrzhhs_18p8wcvgj


The night started with a speech from Ajay. If you would like to see his stances on things, skip down to Section 5, which covers that. After a relatively short speech by Ajay Bruno, he announced his VP choice--Chris Stanwick! Chris accepted, and delivered a short acceptation speech. Mattoze5 then presented a short speech.

Ajay then announced his choice of:
Rhane as Chief of Staff.
Deificus as National Security Advisor

Their was a mini-debate between Ajay and HR, that was cut short because Ajay decide😛 “This is not a debate.” So, a debate was scheduled for 6/27, at 11pm Eastern (20:00 eRep Time) on IRC in #usdebate. For those of you who don’t know, you can access IRC here: http://eusforum.com/index.php/topic,127.0.html


Yes, there was sex! Sort of. This was mainly to attract more viewers of my article. (it worked didn’t it?) But there was actually some sexual moments, which include, but are most definitely not limited to, the following:

Claire asking, “Ajay, what do you think about unwed black teen mothers addicted to crack?”
AjayBrunoisGOD aske😛 “Ajay how can you be against oral sex when you blow so bad?”
ChrisDF0: “Ajay, Were you born with AIDS, or did you get them from your boyfriend? And also, does your mom know?”
There were more questions asking Ajay if he had gotten a “rimjob” than I can count! (They are all at the bottom of this article!)
He never answered those, by the way. Be sure to PM him and ask!


As many of you may have heard, there have been rumors that the CVP Primary, which enabled Ajay Bruno to run for President, was a flop. That there was cheating. The heaviest allegations are coming from within the CVP party that Ajay Bruno cheated to take the endorsement but the allegations are coming from everywhere. An inside member of the CVP had this to say:

Anonymous: Their’s no way that many people voted.
Anonymous: No effing way.

The CVP member wished to remain anonymous, because of the gravity of the situation.

I don’t have to remind you why these charges are so serious, but I will anyway:
If those charges are true, there will be one less candidate running for President. Namely, Ajay Bruno.


***No matter how much you want to believe it, Ajay Bruno is not The Devil***

Saying “[We want to] unite [the country] to stop Harrison Richardson.” and then saying “the USWP machine is not healthy for this country” doesn’t add up. You want to unite the country by separating us from the USWP?

*** Harrison Richardson is not in fact Hitler***

Also, the USWP doesn’t actually control the planet.


This section is all about the issues that were asked of Ajay Bruno. Anyone who actually reads this entire thing gets a cookie!


Evry: * If you had to give a rating of the current eUS economy on a scale of 1-10, 1 being god awful, 10 being perfect, what would you give it, and why?
Evry: * How do you plan on fixing the problems of the economy in order to make it even better?
Mattoze5: Go Evry
Ajay: It's hard to assign a numerical grade but we always need improvement. We need to have as free of a market as possible so that all our people can prosper
Ajay: I will promise this
Ajay: I will be the most Pro-Business President we have ever had
Ajay: and I will encourage industry and wealth to prosper and flourish
Evry: Well, ignore the numbers
Ajay: Here's what I think
Evry: but would you then state the CURRENT economy is strong? weak? average?
Ajay: the folks are getting taxes to death, hard working Patriotic eAmericans
Ajay: that's why I think we need an ambitious new economic plan
Ajay: I would say average range. We have room for imrpovement
Ajay: improvement*
Ajay: why settle for average when it can be great?


Mosheninkov: Ajay, as the founding Secretary-General of PEACE, then former UK ambassador to Greece, then Greek politico, and now Pakistani citizen, I'm interested in your plans for American foreign policy if elected. Specifically, I'm interested in how you plan to address PEACE and former Atlantis nations such as the United Kingdom, Greece, and Croatia - especially the last two, given Greek admiration of the USA for Operation Turkish Delight and Croatian anger
Ajay: As President I will look for all like minded allies, nations that respect national sovereignty, that do not invade vulnerable countries unprovoked. The era of this PEACE-ATLANTIS nonsense should be past. Let nations who value the ideals of liberty and freedom and free trade and mutual respect for nations unite.
Ajay: However
Ajay: if PEACE continues to attack our friends and allies
Ajay: this cannot be allowed
Ajay: and we must act as a force for good
Ajay: but if the nations of PEACE wish to change their ways
Ajay: and rip down their iron curtain
Ajay: and come together as nations of eRepublik
Ajay: then I will of course listen
Ajay: but I will not stand idly by as
Ajay: Croatians and Germans are attacked unjustifiably
Ajay: Thanks

Woxan: Ajay, as a US Senator and citizen concerned and interested in our national security and foreign policy, what is your plan for American involvement in alliances and dealing with PEACE abroad? Also, do you believe that Emerick is great?
Ajay: Firstly, Emerick is a great eAmerican
Ajay: Secondly
Ajay: My plan is to talk with our allies, and neutral nations, and even members of PEACE who seek a way towards reconcilliation to form an alliance with like minded allies
Ajay: And in terms of Emerick
Ajay: While I say he is a great eAmerican we don't agree on everything
Ajay: and he is entitled
Ajay: to his own beliefs
Woxan: What about giant alliances like ATLANTIS
Ajay: Here's the problem with ATLANTIS
Woxan: Our involvement, that was part of the question
Ajay: we basically surrendered our sovereignty to be a member of it
Ajay: I will never join an alliance which requires us to submit to some sort of an
Ajay: international authority
Ajay: America is not one among equals
Ajay: America is the leader of a free eWorld
Ajay: and our role in an Alliance must be as such

Evry: As you may know, the US Government's current budget allots for a total 12 MPPs. If you were forced to pick exactly 12 countries to MPP with and were guarenteed universal Congressional support, what 12 countries would you pick?
Ajay: Evry we'd have to take a look at that closer. It would have to be the 12 with the most reliable track record of being our friends and who had the greatest economic and military support benefits to our citizens
Evry: ok, a preliminary list will do
Ajay: I can't give you 12 right now
Evry: A half list?
Evry: 6?
Ajay: Canada, Ireland and Spain I know for a fact are among our
Ajay: key supporters
Ajay: as well as the heroic Greeks
Evry: Anything to prove you know anything about Foreign affairs?
Ajay: perhaps the British
Ajay: Sure
Ajay: give me a term and we'll turn this world upside down and make it right

Emerick: Ajay: what do you plan to do about the Canada situation?
Ajay: Well Emerick
Ajay: Foremost
Ajay: I will never negotiate with terrorists of any sort
Ajay: and
Newton: ha
Ajay: we will work to identify these individuals
Ajay: and make sure they are exiled to the fringes of eSociety where they belong
Emerick: Great answer
Ajay: The eUS and its allies will never be threatened or blackmailed
Ajay: Also
Ajay: It is not our Canadian friends who are behind this
Ajay: I will not allow a
Ajay: small group of terrorists or
Ajay: as Harry calls them "man made disasters"
Ajay: to ruin our great friendship
Ajay: with our northern Allies
Tom_McDougal: but if COBRA gains power will you invade Canada ?
Ajay: We will not allow that to happen.
Newton: objection!
Newton: HR never said that
Ajay: I didn't mean literally Newton
Ajay: that's the mentality of people like that
Ajay: Mine is
Ajay: simply
Ajay: We will never negotiate with terrorists
Ajay: period
Newton: when you quote somebody, people think what you quoted, a person said
HarrisonRichardson: Ajay - Don't quote me again unless I've actually said it. Thanks.
Tom_McDougal: back on track if you fail to prevent it will you invade ?
Ajay: I believe in pre-emption. We will stop the threat before it comes to that
Ajay: We cannot allow a gathering storm of evil
Ajay: We will root it out before that is necessary


HarrisonRichardson: What is your biggest idea, your biggest thing, the one thing you want to do in your term?
HarrisonRichardson: and how will you accomplish it?
Ajay: Well, I for one
Ajay: am not content with being 32nd in average strength... we need MAJOR military reform. That's why I am going to find ways to increase our military expenditures as well as overall the leadership
Ajay: I have proposed nominating Tiacha as Chairman of the JC. She has an excellent strategic mind and will be able to substantially improve the structure of our armed forces
HarrisonRichardson: You realize that those eRepublik statistics are often wrong?
Ajay: Maybe slightly, but the message is stillt he same
Ajay: the*
HarrisonRichardson: and we're 32nd because of 10k+ dead citizens who lower it
Ajay: We are no where near as strong as we can be
Ajay: even if its 22nd
HarrisonRichardson: not if the numbers are diulted, Mr. Nominee.
Ajay: we can do better
HarrisonRichardson: we just freed Central Greece, by ourselves
Ajay: Harry, without a strong military we are vulnerable to attack
HarrisonRichardson: against all of PEACE
HarrisonRichardson: we have tens of MPP's, Mr. Nominee.
Ajay: And these are great achievements, but we are still vulnerable
HarrisonRichardson: we put 1m+ damage up each war game with no weapons, Mr. Nominee
HarrisonRichardson: how so?
Ajay: and even if there is
Ajay: a million to 1 chance
Ajay: I will fight to make this the greatest military in the world and we will find a way
HarrisonRichardson: so you'd waste time on something that's a million to one chance?
Evictor: I think that's enough for now Harry, there will be plenty of campaign articles and press conferences in the near future
Ajay: harry
Ajay: this is not a debate
Ajay: yes
Ajay: there will be time for that in the future
Evictor: Matt can we take voice from Harry
HarrisonRichardson: well
HarrisonRichardson: let him answer my main question
HarrisonRichardson: and I won't ask any more
HarrisonRichardson: fair enough?
chris_stanwick: Although that's a good idea for later
Ajay: I've answered the same question 10 x over
HarrisonRichardson: how will you accomplish it, Mr. Nominee?
HarrisonRichardson: he never answered that part
HarrisonRichardson: and I'm done.
Ajay: Increasing military expenditures, changing leadership.
Ajay: Harlot has failed as Chairman
Ajay: I will replace him
Ajay: I will find our
Ajay: Grant
Ajay: I will find our Petraeus
Ajay: We will not settle
Ajay: for 2nd grade military leadership
Ajay: Thanks

DC: How do you plan to work with the military when you are not part of it and have never been?
Ajay: Well I have fought in the war games in Rhode Island(Yes I know, everyone has) but I was proud to fight on the front lines bravely trying to salvage Germany from its
Ajay: unjust assault
Ajay: It is true that I am only a Lieutenant and have only served in a private military role
Ajay: but I will surround myself with some of the most brilliant military minds to guide my decisions
Ajay: Deificus will be a phenomenal NSA. Tiacha will be the same as CJC, I will always count on Bastion's counsel and whoever is chosen as Sec. of Defense
Ajay: will have high skills as well
Ajay: I plan on surrounding myself with only the best
Ajay: Thanks.
DC: But you have said that you will remove Harlot who is one of the most tenured military people in eRepublic
Ajay: The fact is DC
Ajay: while he may be a nice guy and have the best intentions
Ajay: It's my personal belief that something has to change and we need new leadership
Ajay: Some may disagree with me on this but I will vehemently reform our military
Ajay: until it is the envy on the eWorld
Ajay: Thanks for your questions
DC: I mean the structured Military, the one who recieves hundreds if not thousands of gold from the eUS government, a WEEK
DC: you have not worked with them
DC: I'll tell you it's an entirely different world
DC: from private fighting
Evictor: DC, Ajay's military reform plan will be released in greater detail
Evictor: as the campaign moves on
Ajay: Yes
Ajay: I am not yet an
Ajay: Ajaypedia
Ajay: you will know EVERY detail
Evictor: we will do our best to address your concerns in a timely manner
Ajay: once we iron them all out
Ajay: I will say this though
Mattoze5: Woxan is next
Ajay: At least we are developing a plan to strengthen our military
Ajay: unlike our opponents
Ajay: thanks


timrugbyflanker: and who do you support in the Croatia/Serbia struggle? (original territories vs. ally)
Ajay: The PTO against Croatia
Ajay: is an outrage
Ajay: I support any effort to
Ajay: restore a free Croatia
timrugbyflanker: what about a free Serbia?
Ajay: My philosophy is
Ajay: ALL nations should be free
Ajay: as long as they respect the rights of their neighbors
timrugbyflanker: hmmm what about the United Netherlands?
Ajay: Well
Ajay: If the nations involved agreed to this union
Ajay: That's their choice as free peoples.
Ajay: I oppose forced merges

Mosheninkov: How do you reconcile support for, as you say, freedom for "ALL nations ... as long as they respect the rights of their neighbors" when America has historically been an ally of Sweden, the nation that subjugated Denmark and Germany and broke up ATLANTIS in its quest to reconquer Germany; have you ever received a rimjob; Spain, which waged a war of imperialism against Mexico which drove Mexico to PEACE; Romania, whose imperialist history is too exte
Ajay: I will have talks with these leaders to prevent future hostilities and make it clear this will NOT be tolerated


Claire: Ajay, the people outside of the Cvp seem to have some real issues with you, and some inside. The rumors that you caused senior members to quit... and in turn lost some seats in the elections yeserday... how are you going to improve this image? - Claire Littleton, editor of A Little Clair-ification (not LIB PP Claire Littleton, she's different).
chris_stanwick: lol
Newton: good question
Ajay: There were some internal issues within the CVP. Two members have left. Many people claimed there would be a mass-exodus. This is simply opposition rhetoric meant to somehow damage our campaign. Also, in regards to the elections
Ajay: Most parties did abysmally
Ajay: I was not directly involved in the symantics of the election
Ajay: that was left to others
Ajay: So I can't comment on that
Ajay: What I can say is look... this is a big tent
Ajay: there is room for a lot of different parties and citizens
Ajay: I am going to surround myself with advisors and appointees across the political spectrum
Ajay: Thanks


DanielC😨 Ajay: How are you planning on drawing and unifying the people of eAmerica when you are running on an Anti-USWP ticket essentially, and the USWP are on the verge of controlling enough votes in congress to halt any of your plans as eUS president?
thebrokenbox: wait your turn DC
* DC shoots terrorist
DC: sorry
* DC drags him to the alley out back and puts him in dumpster
Ajay: Let me make this abundantly clear
Ajay: there are many members of the USWP who are great eAmericans
Ajay: haha dc!
Ajay: BUT
Ajay: the USWP machine is not healthy for this country
Ajay: I would hope that their members of Congress would work with me to do what is best for our nation
Ajay: We need a change in the white house
Ajay: That's what my administration will bring
Ajay: balance
DanielC😨 But it seems you are attacking the uswp, then you expect them to work with you?
Ajay: and the right change to lead our country down a prosperous new course
Ajay: I am not attacking the USWP membership
Ajay: simply the machine and the Politburo which selected my opponent
Ajay: there is a difference
DanielC😨 ....ok
DanielC😨 Thank you


Augustis: Have you ever served in the government of the eUnited States of America? if so where and when?
* Newton likes this question
Ajay: I served as Ambassador to Canada for 2 1/2 weeks. I resigned due to disagreements with administration policy. I've been vigorously involved in politics since I came to the eUSA as well
Augustis: so no terms in congress of cabnet?
Augustis: or cabnet?
Ajay: Unfortunately not many Conservatives have been privy to this cabinet. When i'm President we will be inclusive to all who wish to serve their nation and who have the skills to do so.
Ajay: My opponent has 1 term in Congress to his name
Ajay: the difference is negligible
Ajay: the key factor is
Ajay: our ideas for this nation
Ajay: strength or weakness
Ajay: prosperity or government control
Ajay: and our leadership abilities
Ajay: Thank you.
Ajay: I say this
Ajay: If you like a weak america militarily and giving your hard earned dollars en masse to our government so they can spend on what they wish
Ajay: by all means support Harry
Ajay: but if you think we can do better
Ajay: if you think America deserves better
Ajay: I ask for your vote and for your confidence and the chance to serve our country.

The full Press Release is here:

Part 1: http://docs.google.com/View?id=dgqf6kk_5gkwqd3fv
Part 2: http://docs.google.com/View?id=dgqf6kk_6fmv2kwhc
(They don’t fit into one document)


1.) Emerick: "Have you ever received a "rimjob"?
2.) ChrisDF0: "Do you wad or fold your toilet paper, and also have you ever received a rimjob?"
3.) Collins: "Have you ever received a "rimjob"?
4.) timrugbyflanker: "have you ever received a rimjob?"
Mattoze5: "The next rimjob Q gets KBed"
5.) Bastion: "Have you ever received a "rimjob"?
6.) Mosheninkov: "have you ever received a rimjob?"


“And Ajay...I hope you agree that this will be the one last big battle” - Mattoze5
"I will not negotiate with terrorists of any kind" - Ajay Bruno (referring to the Canadians)
See ya’ll next time!


Earlier today, I recieved this PM from one, Ajay Bruno.

Ajay: “As our nominee you have to take that article down”
Ajay: “that was not allowed when Kyle ran”
Ajay: “leave the party or remove the article”

So much for free speech.

As you wish Ajay. So tonight, I am officially announcing my resignation from the CVP effective, immediately. Be on the look out for my article about why I really left the CVP!
It’s not just because Ajay is a bully.

*Editing and assistance provided by Hekter*