[UKRP] Interview with JerryGFL, re-released

Day 562, 03:44 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by UKRP Headquarters
The men and women behind the oldest party in the eUK

Who are the faceless people running the UKRP, the oldest and largest party in the United Kingdom? Manifestos are published, promises made, achievements listed - yet very little we know about the great figures themselves. This is the story of JerryGFL, a Prime Minister who steered the UK out of a looming bankruptcy and paved the way for a new economic rise.

JerryGFL - Mayor of Edinburgh, former Party President of the UK Reform Party and a former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. JerryGFL has served in many political positions, one of them being the Minister of Health. His term as Prime Minister is considered being one of the hardest to date; having faced an economic crisis, the beginning of World War III and despite high expectations from the public, JerryGFL triumphed over all obstacles and left the country in good shape after his term was over. Now, he's stepping up for duty once again, ready to lead the country with the same determination and skill as he did before.

Even though you were the Prime Minister and you are a publicly known figure, very little is known about yourself. You made few personal statements and always kept to the point, which is good, but it tells nothing about you. Perhaps you'd like to say a word or two about yourself?

- Well I am almost 20 years old, study at University, and am pretty much your normal guy. I go and watch football,sometimes go for a drink, am on the internet quite often etc.

After your term as CP was over, you more or less disappeared from publicity. Would you like to tell what do you do nowadays, are you still in politics or have you moved on to something else?

- Well I am still a political advisor to the UK so I help on that front. I still answer my PMs and get quite a few questions from newer players. But mainly I just travel around where there is war and good salaries. However I have now joined Camelot, a military group loyal to the UK, in order to get better access to weapons. Anyone who's interested in joining please PM me. (Sorry for the shameless advertising.)

As for your past, why did you choose UK Reform as your party?

- When I joined I wasn't that bothered about politics, and only joined because back then you would get lots of experience points for joining a party. I did however read all the parties manifestos etc and made an informed choice. UKRP appealed to me in most of its points so I signed up and have been in the UKRP ever since. Im not someone who likes to see party-hopping.

What is your motive for playing eRepublik?

- I just wanted to try something different and I looked up strategy games on wikipedia. This looked promising so i gave it a go and got addicted.

As we know, there is always a flip side to the coin. Seeing all the talk about how the UKRP was reformed and how much better the party is now, what do you think the UKRP has done wrong? What would you have done differently?

- Nothing is always rosy and we all make mistakes. I am the first to recognise my mistakes, and there are a few things that I could have handled differently. These for example are some of the controversial coalitions the UKRP had or when we were largely inactive and everyone including me lacked some sort of motivation to keep going. Overall though I think that I have always acted in the best interest of the country and my party.

This interview was made one month ago just before SaraDroz's term. Nowadays Jerry doesn't belong to Camelot anymore, but the views stated in the interview are still valid. Today you can expect another part of Jerry's manifesto to be released, we in the UK Reform Party hope you too make an informed decision and vote for the best candidate.