[UKRP] Interview with Funky44, re-released

Day 561, 14:30 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by UKRP Headquarters
The men and women behind the oldest party in the eUK

Who are the faceless people running the UKRP, the oldest and largest party in the United Kingdom? Manifestos are published, promises made, achievements listed - yet very little we know about the great figures themselves. Many of you know the former party president of the UK Reform Party, funky44, by his history as a politician and a soldier in the UK community. This interview gives him a chance to introduce himself to you in his own words.

Funky44 - a soldier, congressman, paratrooper, former Minister of Trade, Minister of Defence, a Lord, an active contributor to the United Kingdom - there's very little he hasn't done during his life in eRepublik. Funky began his life in Belgium before it was annexed to UK. After the UK-Belgium war, Funky moved to UK and began a career in the military in the summer 2008. During summer he become an active member in the UKRP too, resulting in him being selected as party president in August. Funky has since been a Minister of Trade and during the UK-French war he acted as the Minister of Defence, making his name known to the public. Last month he was the party president in the UK Reform Party and now he serves the United Kingdom in the paratrooper elite squadron known as SAS.

Despite you having accomplished that much during your life in the UK, the general populace knows very little about you. Besides being Belgian, what else would you like to tell about yourself?

- Well, I'm a 22 year old guy. Most people think that I am a woman when they see my display picture ingame and this results in a massive amount of messages in which people ask me for my email address, facebook profile, more pictures (the nerve some guys have!).
I'm into sports, in particular Martial Arts (I have a first Kyu in Karate).

Being the former party president and an experienced member of the party, how did you perceive the events around the PP elections of April 15th?

- I didn't really liked what happened that day. A new member to eRep gaining the seat of party president of one of the biggest parties in the eWorld, this could have been potentially very dangerous. After the elections me and MAV had a short conversation via PM and I like to think that my latest message got him to resign as party president and have CertaCito take over.

Besides certacito and shadowukcs, you are among the oldest party members in the UKRP. You having seen the progress of the party, it's rises and falls, would you say that the party is now experiencing a peak, average season or is it at it's worst?

- Well, I think it is nearing a peak but in eRep you can never really say what the future will bring. It is like climbing a mountain, sometimes you need to go down before you can go up again.

The party has experienced a boost in members recently, do you think it is easy for a new member to join the community in the UKRP?

- Well, I hope it is easy for them. But I think it might be frightening at times to jump in into the conversations and participate. Although the programs we have set up now should help combat this and give new members the confidence they need.

What do you want to achieve? You having served in congress and military and made an impact in both aspects of the game, is there still something left?

- Oh yeah, Country President and gaining that field Marshall status. Another thing I want to do is become the oldest and strongest still standing player in eRep, but this might take some time though.

Anything to add?

- Peace, I'm coming for you baby! See you on the battlefield!

That was Funky44, one month ago. Funky is arguably one of the most experienced members of the eUK community, and even now while he serves the UK in the army as the SAS leader, he still contributes to the country in politics by giving invaluable insight to the legislation in the House of Lords and by giving advise within the UK Reform Party. With people like this, the UK Reform Party continues it's rise. If you want to know more about the party, look at the latest party manifesto for our actual policies and stances.