**The OG: Progressive Enlightenment - Platform Part 2**

Day 726, 07:51 Published in Canada Canada by Banach

To View Part 1, Go Here.

Foreign Relations and Trade Department Platform

[Minister] Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade -> Chucky Norris

In charge of maintaining a network of ambassadors and establishing fair trade deals with other nations.

At this time of shifting power balances and independent states resulting from the PEACE fracture, our ambassadors must work around the clock to mend relationships and continue to reverse the image that each nation in PEACE is automatically an enemy of Canada.

Raw Materials are a crucial part of our economy, and we should be willing to provide excellent benefits to our allies in exchange for resources we may need, workers, or other sensible trades.

[Minister] Canadian Alliance Delegate-> Sara Droz


Specifically in charge of membership issues and training battle participation for Canada. Maintains relations, represents the PMO in meetings if plausible.

With the fall of PEACE imminent, care must be taken to approach the now fractured nations and offer a hand of friendship and peace. The Foreign Policy Directive will be updated and revamped to be a more flexible article that simplifies Canada’s stance towards most nations.

Peace will be signed with all nations Canada has an open war with and we will adopt an isolationist policy towards direct wars, not engaging in any attack past our soil in the name of imperialism. We will focus on liberating any lands that are occupied unjustly and will use our mobile troops to accomplish that.

Ties with Brolliance will be strengthened through mutual actives like exchanges, gift your bro days, contests and other bro-ish stuff.

Training Wars with Malaysia will continue and with the help of EDEN, the liberation of Slovakia will allow or a second set.

[Minister] Minister of Intelligence-> Derek Harland

In charge of acquiring public information concerning foreign actions and on interpreting and preparing solutions for any game changes Admins make.

An important step to being keen on the world stage is to know exactly what the enemy is thinking. A regular search of foreign media, in key nations, will reveal many elements. The faster the knowledge flows in, the better, preferably before it hits the Top 5 and spreads out.

With the recent announcement by admins that major change is coming to the gameplay, especially in economics and ,in part, war, the Minister of Intelligence will have a thread in the eCanada forums to outline the exact changes with an analysis of how they will affect the administration and how one can work with them, or over them.


Executive Committee Platform

[Government Officials] Party Representatives->

Canadian Social Democrats,Democratic Action League,Canadian Progressive Front,Canadian Paradox Party,Canadian National Coalition

An avenue for parties to communicate with the government and each other about malpractices, possible communication improvements, complains about government intervention or queries into government relations or practices concerning parties.

Throughout the term, party presidents will be encouraged to participate in the communication program between the government and its national parties. A thread in the eCanada forums will be open and an avenue for suggestions, complaints, concerns and comments on how the government may help or abstain from helping. Twice per month, parties will be encouraged to attend a meeting where debate may occur and any misunderstandings can be corrected.

[Minister] Auditor General-> Cypher Rahl

Tasked with watching over actions of government and surveying transactions. Oversees budget to ensure transparency and accountability.

As government funds are crucial to running the nation, we believe that a careful investigation into all transactions by both the Prime Minister and the cabinet will be crucial to maintaining a high standard of financial accountability. The Auditor General will report directly to the Prime Minister on a regular basis and address any inadequacies reported in how money was handled.

[Ministers] Directors of the Justice Department-> Goran Thrax (Constitution) andScrabman (Congress Advisor)

Tasked with working on the Constitution and other laws and being a judiciary liaison between the Prime Minister and the Supreme Court.

The Constitution needs to be reworked and there is an open field to continue expand our justice network to include other pieces of law, or to update old ones. Having two directors in charge of justice will expedite the process of expanding Canada’s first class justice system, unmatched by most nations.

The Supreme Court will be tasked with a faux trial to test the standards presented by the new judges and to take a look at how our system is performing.

The Congress exchange program that has grown into a Law review by both sides is an excellent idea that encourages growth between both the USA and Canada.

[Officer] JTF 17-> Taiwan Panda

Like all Ministerial positions, The JTF 17 Officer has the ability to appoint a deputy. This position has liquid policy, and works closely with the Minister of Intelligence, as well as with CSIS, Canada's espionage agency. A small budget will be used for effective international operations sanctioned by the government.

Established as the public, mobile arm of both CSIS and the Ministry of Intelligence, JTF 17 will be an active team of operatives that are tasked with liberating other nations and aiding in any way possible. Their budget will be capped at 100 GOLD per operation and will be reviewed by the Auditor General. Objectives that will be attempted include congressional liberation of PTO’d nations, economic sabotage/assistance, etc.