**The OG: Progressive Enlightenment - Platform Part 1**

Day 725, 17:02 Published in Canada Canada by Banach
"Leadership is the capacity to define oneself to others in a way that clarifies and expands a vision of the future."

Preamble Note:

This platform has been originally created in part by a large portion of the Canadian Progressive Front membership. It is re-tuned to fit, more accurately, the needs of the entire nation.

Criticism is welcome, nay, urged, and this platform will undergo MANY changes between now and five days before election time (the 30th of November). I invite everyone to challenge it and constructively help me create something that many provide equal benefit to all citizens.

Prime Minister's Office Platform

[Prime Minister] Prime Minister-> Banach

The Head of State and Government, Commander in Chief of the national army and chief executive of Canadian ministries and crown corporations. Main focus falls on finances, foreign affairs and military.

~~Executive Organisation~~

A. Cabinet
The Cabinet has been created to maximise efficiency in how policies are enacted. The core ministries serve as the perfect balance between giant bureaucratic organizations and limited opportunity organizations. There are six departments that focus on various issues within the state.

B. Secretary General
The Prime Minister believes that it is vital in case of emergency that the Secretary General be able to stand in for the Prime Minister. Therefore should the Prime Minister not be available a mechanism will set in place to allow the Prime Minister to use Prime Ministerial powers. The Secretary General is the platform supervisor and main advisor to the head of state.

C. Deputy Positions
The privilege of appointing Cabinets Ministers will the Prime Ministers. These Ministers may accept the people they wish as Deputy Ministers. Who they work best with is not for the Prime Minister to decide.


A. The Prime Minister believe in lowering taxation. We believe that if citizens have more of their own money they are more empowered and likely to be more active within our community. We also believe that the more money the citizen has the greater his ability to choose for himself/herself. We also believe that this will actually boost the volume of trade in Canada and that by the boost in volume the Government tax revenue will increase.

Naturally we recognise that the economy is not 'stable' and we make no promises in recognition of this fact. Our promise is our AIM. To boost the economy by lowering tax, and (if needed) further currencies issues. We believe that lowering tax must come BEFORE further currency issues.

B. We further propose that Ministry of Finance should itself actively seek to make a profit for Canada. We propose that:

i) Two or more Deputy Ministers be recruited to Ministry of Finance to act as full time 'market traders' on foreign currencies. Such traders would be paid a small percentage of their profits, at the Ministers discretion.

ii) The Minister of Finance should give Government loans for new business, at home or abroad. The Minister, or his representative, must evaluate any proposition and decide that percentage of the Company they require for the loan. The Company password will be kept by the MoF until the loan is repaid with the interest set.

We believe that this way the Ministry of Finance can and will make a profit for Canada and help boost the economy.

C. A future Banach lead Government will require the Ministry of Finance to produce a long term strategy for economic war and destabilisation of potential enemy countries. This will include the gradual buying up of vital companies and storing reserves of currency.

D. Organisation: If the MoF personnel do not already have private forum they must have in Canadian forums.



A. The current limits for CAF membership are too low. This stops those able to join the CAF or Elites from joining and thus reduces our war efficiency. A CAF lead Government will consult with Ministry of Defence on raising the requirements for CAF Regulars and Reserves.
Any person who meets the future standards will automatically be admitted to the CAF, without having had to pass through the Rangers.

B. The Elite also will be set a higher standard and those who qualify for elite from CAF will automatically pass into it upon request.

C The Rangers will be open to ALL granted Canadian citizenship and continue to be the training for younger citizens. Once a citizen qualifies for CAF he/she will automatically move on.

The Supply Structure

A. We believe that the military must have their own companies for supplies. Such companies will employ military personnel if possible and be able to fire them when needed.
These companies will be run by the Quartermaster General (QMG)and a staff appointed by him. The QMG will report to the MoD but also have access to MoF forums.

B. Each Military platoon with 10 members + will qualify for a weapons company. For Rangers The Prime Minister would seek to buy existing companies at Q1 level. For CAF at Q3 and for elites Q5. Each platoon that qualifies will submit its own member to QMG staff, if none is appointed by him/her. Private military organisations are welcome to participate.

C. The companies will (if possible) be purchased so that private enterprise does not suffer. However The Prime Minister believes it is essential, for now, that essential National Assets remain in Government hands.

We believe that this will lead to greater manoeuvrability for our military, more freedom and self identity for the Units (esprit de Corps), and most importantly save the government money since to some extent the military will be making their own weapons. However we believe that, for now, such companies must be run by the Government under QMG. We welcome the day when the military may purchase these supply companies from the QMG/Government, we do not believe this is the time.

~~Foreign Affairs~~

A. The Prime Minister Congratulates all Parties, Soldiers, businessmen, the current Government and our Allies on the expulsion of PEACE from Canadian soil.

B. The Prime Minister believes that this war is not over. Canada is liberated but unless we wish to be invaded again we must not let up.

C. We believe that all Imperial ownership is wrong, especially with the fall of PEACE close at hand.


A. A Government lead by The Prime Minister will proclaim a 'Liberty Charter'. This will proclaim our UNCONDITIONAL support to any nation that wishes its regions liberated, regardless of any past circumstances. We shall urge Eden and USA to accept this doctrine.

B. Joint Task Force 17 will be established to publicise and advise any nation of our ability to help.

C. After the proclamation of the Liberty Charter any country that wishes a Non Aggression Pact will be submitted for Congress approval. Any country that does not accept our offer or contact the Liberty Bureau will be regarded as a potential enemy.

D. Canadian Ambassadors will be asked to report weekly in a separate forum to which Intelligence Minister will have access.

E. Foreign Exchange; Selected Ambassadors will be supported to move to the country where they represent Canada to learn their systems and organisation. This can be done with allies or potential enemies and will be at the discretion of the MoFA.

The Prime Minister believes that these policies will promote justice for oppressed nations, continue to press our recent occupiers, help make new allies and add efficiency to our foreign relations.

~~Platform Summary~~

In Foreign Affairs we apply Liberty to all and increased efficiency. In military we wish to end 'bottlenecks' that stop new citizens joining. We wish to give the military a greater self determination and identity, we believe our proposals will also bring greater economy for Canada. In finance we apply our principle of economy - we have one - let us use it! We support private imitative that again saves Canada money and boosts tax revenue. In Government we propose decision making by ONLY those that can decide, in short; efficiency.

[Deputy Minister]Secretary General-> Vacant Until Further Notice!

In charge of reviewing the performance of the cabinet every two days and to make sure the platform is being fulfilled. Replaces the Prime Minister

Will keep a copy of the platform, in both French and English, in the eCanada national forums. It will be publically viewable and open to criticism. The Secretary General will provide a weekly review to the Prime Minister on how the platform is carried out and if changes need to be made.

[Government Official] Press Secretaries-> Alias Vision (PR) and ICamero (Comms)

Deals with public relations issues and is the main communications tool of the government.

The Public Relations Press Secretary will advise the Prime Minister on media events that require response and will ensure proper Prime Ministerial behaviour is enforced.

The Communications Press Secretary will release daily updates through the Ministry of Communications paper detailing battle orders, and official releases to citizens.

[Government Official] Parliamentary Liaison-> Jacobi

Ensures that parliament and the PMO are always on the same page. Analyzes the issues of Parliament on behalf of the Prime Minister.

Regular updates from the Parliamentary Liaison will help the Prime Minister forge an effective relationship with Congress and be aware of their needs. The Prime Minister will also be reminder of any procedure mishaps and possible problems in new or old acts that the Prime Minister puts forth.


