[The CP Race] What Can I Say?

Day 3,209, 11:01 Published in USA USA by Jenoah Drako

The Country President (CP) race has been the talk for the last week or so and with the election coming up on Labor Day, Day 3211, it’s never been so intense. As you all know the politics in eRepublik have been at a low, the game has been at a low. Well, you know I’m always talking about innovation, and there will be. These are summaries of each candidate.

Let’s talk Orik! Orikfricai, author of The Dwarf Times, former CP, came out saying he would be running for President again with a very short article. In this article he explained that he has been just about everywhere in a Political standpoint,

“It's been a long strange trip and I've done every job in the Executive since then. I've spent time in Defense dealing with USAF. I've spent time in the NSC dealing with order/priority setting and PMU coordination….”

There were many more, but for sake of the article, I need to continue. After this promising more “substance”, and he followed through. In this article he would explain his plans, what he wants to do with Foreign Affairs, USAF, the “homefront”, and of course war. Besides these things, he really touched on Media, he wants to keep us informed of everything,

“My personal goal is to keep the American people informed day in and day out of the business of the Executive and a continual evaluation of the performance of its departments.”

Mr. Orikfricai also cares deeply about the new player base, he believes parties must educate our new players, and says that the current educational base is almost nonexistent. These are just some of his “high-level plans.” He then releases a third article, stating his cabinet and some minor updates. I won’t go too in depth, but this is his cabinet,

Vice President - Resoula

Chief of Staff - Israel Stevens

Secretary of State - Wild Owl

Secretaries of Defense - Yui and Crimsonninja

Secretary of Citizen Affairs - Comet Academy

Secretary of Media - Fingerguns

Now with the Feds support from the primary, He’s going to be a hell of an opponent. Do you believe Orik will win? If so leave an “Orik4CP!” down below

Now Mr. Arundel, also Former CP, Author of the newspaper Super Cool Name Here, also posted an article announcing his CP running, and this article had a bit of pep in it’s step. He has devoted to work. Thats a good start for the President. But how he works will be quite interesting. He’s making changes, or more like restorations. To make up for the smaller population of players, he’s making a smaller government,

“ We don't need two people sharing any job… We will have the following 'departments': Defense, Interior. See how simple that is?”

He also wants to focus on the USAF, not just militarily, but educationally also with mechanics and meta play. He want to bring back something similar to missions for new players, and the NSC will once again be the main council for MU leaders. As for interior, he will get up to date with Civilian Affairs, and will not cancel any programs that are doing good for the eUS. The eNPR Talk Show and the Pfeiffer Show (Pfeiffer Pfun Times) on beam will have a schedule for live media keeping us updated at least 3 times a week.

“So follow at beam.pro/JSPfeiffer

Don't forget to educate yourself with the candidates, after dark of Day 3,209 Pfeiffer is having a Q&A with his exceptional Vice President, Fingerguns, on his beam channel! P.S. There will be prizes!

As for the Pfeiffer Cabinet:

Vice President- fingerguns

Chief of Staff- Blande

Is Pfeiffer going to win without Fed support? We have no idea. “Pfeif4CP!” to support!

Pfeiffer’s Articles:

Orik’s Articles:

Thank you all for reading! If you liked my small rundown of the CP election, don’t forget to vote and sub! Endorse if you’d like!