[POL] Open letter to the International Community on the Belgian issue...

Day 724, 16:29 Published in Poland Serbia by Azor Ahai Reborn

Open letter to the International Community on the Belgian issue...

Freedom ! Freedom ! Freedom !

A call from the President of the United Netherlands, to other democratic nations, to respect our democracy and to stop the Romanian colonization of Belgium.

Dear citizens of eRepublik countries,

As you might now, the United Netherlands have been the target of a military operation leaded by The Group, from Romania, and by the Seal 6, from the United States of America.

20 days ago, Flanders have been conquered by the Resistance Force in the war versus Netherlands, and the Belgium flag was back on the world map of eRepublik countries.

8 days ago, two others Resistance Wars have been launched in United Netherlands, in order to conquer Wallonia and Brussels, and to succeed to offer Belgium it's two last original regions.

Wallonia have been secured by our country, the region of Brussels was conquered by the Resistance force and Belgium is now composed of two regions, Flanders and Brussels.

A lot of propaganda invade the Belgian and Dutch press, and it was very interesting to see how the members from The Group justified these attacks on a democratic nation, the United Netherlands.

Maybe it's now important to explain everybody what is the United Netherlands?
The United Netherlands is a voluntary union between Belgium and the Netherlands. 8 months ago, Belgium have been the victim of a successful political take over from the Spanish group "Las Tropas Imperiales", and to prevent the election of a Spanish President, Belgium and the Netherlands decide that the best option was to merge together, into the United Netherlands.

Since that day, Belgians and Dutch citizens live together, for the better, and for the worst. In the first time, there were more Dutch citizens than Belgian ones, but after a successful baby boom, the situation has changed, and Belgians were the most representative group in the United Netherlands. We have seen the birth of the Belgian Party, which became the first political party in the United Netherlands since 6 months. The Belgian Party have also been part of almost all the governments since that time, and they have also seen one of their member, me, a real Belgian, becoming President of the United Netherlands for three times in a row... We are all proud to be part of the United Netherlands, and each ones takes the benefits of this union: more regions, a bigger population, more activity, a biggest market, and so on...

So, I was very surprised when I read that the RW's were launched in the United Netherlands in order to liberate the Belgian from their oppressor, the Netherlands... The Group is in Belgium "to undo a wrong that was UNL, and we intend to stay at it. We are here to establish eBelgium as a nation once again, and needless to say that can only be achieved through proper leadership". The first declaration of the romanian president of Belgium was quite different : "Make no mistake, I am here to represent the interests of myself, TheGroup and EDEN in general"...

The Belgian Party is not the only Belgian party in the eUNL. There is also the MIB, a (rather small) party which stand for the independence of Belgium. Even they fought on the Green Side during the resistance wars! They had two choices: fight together with the Group and Seal 6 to have Belgium back on the map, or fight together with their UNL brothers to don't accept to see the country they would love to see independent to become a puppet state from Romania.

What have been the action of The Group in Belgium since they won the presidential election ?
- Donations from the State account to private organisation
- No jobs on the job market for new players
- No citizenship given to real Belgian who wanted to go back in their RL country
- Citizenship given to Romanian soldiers and so on...
- (and I have to say it, to rebuild a Q5 hospital they have destroyed in Brussels)

Is it really what means a "free country" ?
Not only single Belgian is currently in the Belgian Government, new Belgians players are jobless and are dying each day, and the Belgian economy is in crisis...

To all the citizens of the eWorld, I'm asking you to stand up and to join us in our fight to defend the territorial integrity of the United Netherlands, a real union between Belgian and Dutch citizens.

Don't fight on the Romanian side, and become volunteers at our side when the battle for Wallonia, the last Belgian region in the United Netherlands, will be there... Urge the Romanian and US soldiers to give up their Belgian citizenships and let them leave our nation.

This is a call, a call for liberty, for freedom, for democracy and for Belgium.

President of the United Netherlands

For more information, you can also read this article : "Flanders and broken promises", http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/flanders-and-broken-promises1-1007121/1/20

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