[NID] it's here, it's time to get real

Day 2,036, 07:52 Published in Canada Canada by Kazuo Leblanc

Today is the 17th of the month, which means it's National Insult Day!

Like I told you the other day, there's a lot if gold up for grabs if you can make me laugh or piss me off. Write an article following the instructions below, tag it with [NID], and laisser le bon temps roller!

There are three prizes up for grabs today. 24 gold goes to the Judge's Choice, the one I like the best. 36 gold goes to the People's Choice, whoever gets the most votes for their entry. And between $10-1000 goes to the Ladies' Choice, whichever one Mary Chan likes the best.

Need some inspiration? Check out these classics:
*Exclusive footage of the Prime Minister
*Best In Show 2011

I'll update a list below of entries as I feel like it. Have fun, y'all!

*A Letter Home From A Spanish Soldier