[MoW] Guess who's back?

Day 594, 15:43 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Ministry of Work
Greetings Workers,

John Forseti here!

A new month, more often that not means a new government, and this month is no exception. Newly elected President Hassan Pesaran has announced his cabinet for this month which sees your former Minister of Work, Mr Woldy move across to the Ministry of Home Affairs, leaving your former former Minister of Work, that's me, to plug the gap. Nice to see Woldy has kept the place up nice and the chair in the office has been kept warm. To working;


With new government, more often that not, come a few reforms, and again, this month is no exception! The first of these you might have already noticed, Royal Ordnance, is gone. It has been moved to the Royal Guard to more easily provide a stock pile of weapons and access to them but will still be run as if it were in the Department for Work, especially as I'm the Colonel of the Royal Guard aswell and will be running it over there. We might be getting a company or two to replace them, in the mean time it'll just be Royal Timber and Royal Housing. Well that's it for now;

Happy working!

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John Forseti
Minister for Work