[MoHA] Press Release & Mentoring Scheme

Day 3,757, 10:15 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by eUK Home Office

Weekly Press Release - Sunday 04/03/2018.

Evening all. This is the final press release of this term, as presidential elections take place tomorrow. In addition, I’m happy to announce the launch of a mentoring program, discussed below.

Mentoring Program

I’m pleased to say the MoHA mentoring program and first steps guide has been launched. The guide is intended to offer some pointers to new players, and will be placed in the new player message. We are going to adjust it according to feedback over time, and make sure it has all links to further, more detailed guides contained within it.

The Mentors are the first thing the guide talks about. These individuals are going to be advertised, through the guide, as mentors to new players. My thanks go to El Speverino, AMD, Rob the Bruce and Dave Trenga for volunteering to help.

Ministerial updates

Prime Minister - Jamesw:
“This week has been about consolidation, and contending with other stuff. We've been directing damage to where it's been needed, and that's lead to some useful publicity for us in Romania, France and Lithuania. Out of all our allies, or allies or our allies, we've been focusing on the above three, so it's great to see some positive results from that. Romania is a key country I identified as 'should be improved' and things are going smoothly on that. For all the history that we have, ultimately they're a country that wants to win, and whilst that means sometimes it can appear to lack movement, a strong sense of direction is never a bad thing. France and Lithuania are both countries that have been good allies, and to be recognised for helping them is one of the first steps of what I talked about: cementing this friendship as something with more than just an MPP meaning - we want, and need, countries who are willing to fall on their sword for us. We should want, and need, countries that we are willing to fall on our sword for: FR and LIT would make perfect candidates for such a relationship, as we've had it in the past.

Outside of FA, other stuff is pretty quiet as we face the end of month lull. I'm doing my best to juggle real life commitments and keep on top of stuff, but ultimately I can't avoid a lull in government if I have a slight lull in activity myself. To contextualize that: I've been around to fight and do stuff and spend about an hour replying to messages and discord/telegram every day, as opposed to my normal 4-5 and constant available. So yeah, not a hugely productive week compared to what I've managed over the past 3, but by no means an uneventful or wasted one!”

Minister of Finance - Huey George:
“The MoF has continued recording our daily snapshots of the economy eUK to add to the long-term records and managing our Government and BoE Trust Monetary Market Investments. We have made a further investment of Government funds into additional Organisations for Monetary Market activity.
Rewards have been administered to parties and military units based on their activity, damage and national strike participation.”

Minister of Foreign Affairs - Aaron Mark Daniels:
“I’ve been working on the all important secret plans, which should see some traction this week so watch this space. Other than that its been attending fancy dinner parties and foreign functions, butering up some forigs and keeping the peace.”

Minister of Defence - Dave Trenga:
“During the last week MoD have relesed a few articles with battle orders. We have continued the rewards program, where the winners are announced in an article every tuesday. Today, Sunday, we are hosting our Weekly National Strike Event, where supplies will be available between 02.00 - 04.00. We'll ask our public to keep an eye out for MoD articles next week and share vote and comment so that up to date information is available to the public at all times”

Minister of Home Affairs - Mr Woldy:
“After finally finding a new player happy to review the entire guide, it has had a few tweaks and has been published. It will continue to be reviewed by those who volunteered as mentors and hopefully will help some people get started, and encourage some people to stick around. It’s inclusion in the New Players Message will facilitate this.

Great Scott! Is ongoing, and is about one third the way through, If you haven’t been following it then take a look - it’s a good spectator sport as well as some fun for the people playing it.Sadly, due to a lack of interest it looks like the Royal Quiz will be being put on hold, but I intend to play with the format and see if it can be brought ingame to boost interest.”

Caption Competition!

Last week's finger licking caption contest was won by PerilousPanther and Glen Bank. Prize money is on it’s way. You can see their captions in last weeks press release.

This week, captions are needed for the following picture:

Give it a go, there are no wrong answers!

Remember to help the MoHA’s media presence - shout this article to your parties, MU’s and friends!
Thanks for reading,
Mr Woldy.