[MoHA] Zero to Hero in eRepublik - New Player Guide & Mentors

Day 3,757, 01:45 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by eUK Home Office

Mentors & Further help

In addition to this guide, the following players are available to answer questions and coach you through your first days. So please feel absolutely free to send them a message if you need help or have any questions not answered by this guide.

Mr Woldy - https://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/1313810
Aaron Mark Daniels - https://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/8562342
El Speverino - https://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/1570464
Rob the Bruce - https://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/7666282
Dave Trenga - https://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/2605572

Other guides are mentioned in the text to this one, including a guide for fighting and running businesses.

Zero to Hero in eRepublik

You’ve signed up, you start to figure out what to do, you work, you train, you fight. Is that it? eRepublik is a browser based RPG, in which working, training and fighting are the keystone activities of its players. The main thing is not to feel alone! There are hundreds of players in the eUK, and thousands in the eWorld, all fighting for their causes, voting for their politicians, negotiating treaties, debating in congress, leading paramilitaries and driving their own economies. There’s a lot more to eRep then there seems, and once you get your feet there’s all sorts you can get involved in. So don’t feel like that’s it!

This guide is intended as an introduction to social and political life in erepublik, and will collate further guides on the war and economy modules to give you a one-stop shop of answers to your nagging first week questions. With this guide, I hope you find yourself confident in getting started, getting involved, and getting somewhere in the eUK.

If there are any questions then by all means comment here, message myself or the other mentors named above. Additionally, The who’s online function (bottom right) show online eRepublik tutors who you can speak with directly.

First steps

Work, train, fight. Seems straightforward, but here’s some things to keep in mind. All of these things take away some of your Energy. (Number in the green bar under your name!). Eating food can restore it, with higher quality food restoring more. There is a limit to what you can restore at once, which gradually replenishes over time (the amount can depend on your residence - which region you are a citizen of and whether you have a house) - but the energy itself won’t replenish until you eat.

Tip - Work and train before fighting. Keep back some food so you don’t get stuck on low energy - if you do find yourself stuck, ask people for help! See a thorough guide to the war module here.

Food is purchased from the market, under the marketplace option. Needless to say it costs money - be sure to pick up a job and work to earn what you need to purchase food. You can find a job at the job market, under the same tab. This is where business owners advertise jobs and salaries.

Tip - you can run your own businesses in eRepublik. The Ministry of Finance (MoF) has produced a guide explaining how to get started - here

Training boosts your strength, which, along with which quality weapon you use impacts how hard you hit on the battlefield. For a detailed guide on the war module, see this guide by the Ministry of Defence. For the purposes of this guide; be aware of the effect it can have on energy and remember you don’t always have to buy guns from the marketplace - the Government and Military Units (groups of players organised into fighting units) often hand them out.

Tip - don’t feel like you’re fighting alone! Everyone in the UK can join in battles with you and help win. Save up energy bars and bombs for when they’re needed most. Joining an MU and participating in ‘strikes’ on Discord can help you realise the impact of UK troops!

Be sure to complete the ‘becoming an adult’ mission, to allow you to vote in elections, buy and sell on markets, hire people and run for office.


Central to eRepublic is the political module. Each nation is governed by either democracy or dictatorship. In a democracy, the top 5 political parties (ranked by membership) run candidates in Congressional and Presidential elections who then govern the nation. The President, elected by the public on the 5th of every month, manages the processes of signing alliances and directing the nation's wars; as well as running a cabinet and dealing with the day to day running of the country. Congress, elected by the public on the 25th of every month, determine rules, issue payments from the country’s accounts (where the tax you pay is held) and vote on proposals put forward by the President and other Congress members. In a Dictatorship, a Dictator performs these roles whilst the elected officials merely watch the proposals go by. (A Dictator is the leader of an MU that has successfully performed a coup in its country).

Key to the democratic module is the fact that only the top 5 parties can run candidates. So for you to get started in the process of lobbying Congress, running for Congress, and putting yourself forward as a Presidential candidate… join a top 5! Parties elect a Party leader on the 15th of every month, and they determine the Congress candidates, Presidential candidates and direction of the party. Feel free to message Party leaders (you can find out who they are through the party’s profile pages via the rankings screen) to figure out where you’d make a good fit. In no time, you can be running for office and putting a steer on the trajectory of the eUK.

You don’t need to be elected to make your mark however. The Government is made up of several ministries, all of which will be eager to help you find something to do. Typically a President will form a government consisting of a Ministry of Finance (MoF), a Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA), a Ministry of Defence (MoD), and a Ministry of Home Affairs (MoHA). If you can’t find the President’s paper to figure out who they are; they’ll be listed on the Politics Page (on the ‘My Country’ page under the community tab). eRep lists the MoF as Governor and MoHA as Prime Minister. Feel free to message them for something to do, and in no time you could find yourself as a junior minister responsible for defence issues in the MoD, liaising with foreign countries or alliance representatives in the MoFA, monitoring the monetary market and recommending currency issuing in the MoF, or helping new players, managing games and engaging the community in the MoHA.


You’re not in it alone!. The eUK has a thriving community of players that you can tap into to really get stuck into everything that’s going on in the eUK. If there’s one bit of advice to take away from this guide it is that there is much more to do than work, train and fight. Speak to those in your party, get involved in how things are being ran and speak to your fellow players!

The eUK has an active presence on Discord, where Congress, the Cabinet, Parties and military units have channels to talk about eRep and to run the eUK. The community aspect of the eUK goes beyond simply eRep, with a presence on other sites and platforms such as steam, where we have held tournaments and events for the players in the eUK. Engaging with your fellow players is the best way to climb to the top of the eUK, and it is from this active section of the community that the vast majority of politicians come. So do chat to your parties, MU’s, and Congressmen about getting more involved.

Lastly, GOLD. Spend it, hoard it, fight with it… what’s the best use for gold? The current Minister of Finance, Huey George, recommends the following:

“The general advice tends to be save your gold to spend on TG (training ground) upgrades during promotional periods. That's it really don't spend it elsewhere. Although if you are interested in building a portfolio of companies and factories. You can invest some of your gold into WRM or FRM companies and only work as manager and you'll eventually see a return of investment in cc as you sell the RM you produce on the marketplace.”

Thanks for reading - and remember,if you need help the Mentors at the top of the page are on call!

Mr Woldy