{MoF} End of Term Report

Day 3,060, 07:04 Published in Australia Australia by Reserve Bank of Australia

Hello eAustralia,

MoF T.A.X.S.I.R.A has handed in his final balance sheet and has asked me to pass the details onto you, eAustralia. I will try and break it down into easy to understand points/sections (also for my own understanding :/ ). But if you have any questions, please feel free to ask them at the end.

The DoF will present this information, in addressing the bottom line, taxes, rental income, money making items, expenditures and lastly the balance sheet. I hope I can show T.A.X.S.I.R.A's figures clearly and help explain it all.

Bottom Line

Well, when eAustralia takes into account all the incomings and all the outgoings, what are we left with?? MONEY that is what we are left with. eAustralia successfully drew a profit of $169,401.56 and a profit of 5 gold. These amounts come from this avenues, which I will talk about now.

Tax Income

The daily tax income came to a total of $121,664.64cc from day 3,030 to day 3,059. This equates to an avg daily tax income of $4,195cc

Org Rental

As most eAustralian's know, your government rents out excess Org's to political parties, MU's and private citizens. This brings in an extra income into the government coffers. This term, Org rental came to a total of: $33,000cc (Note: one renter paid an extra $1,500 as a self imposed late fee).


During this term, eAustralia received a handful of donations. This amounted to: $11,631.94cc and also 5 gold.

Money Making Schemes

This term the eAustralian government looked at two extra revenue streams, to supplement the traditional tax income and Org rentals. These two schemes are based on market prices and fluctuations. They were a Commodities Trading and Money Markets.

The Commodities trading started well. It had $100,000cc assigned to it and started trading. However after some people questioned it, it was stopped. However in the short period of time that it ran, it made: $3,287cc profit. It is the belief that if this program was to continue, it would of generated a large profit for eAustralia with no major problems. Next term, if requested, this can be spoke about in more detail to the incoming government if they want to try it with tweaks or not.

The Money Market is something that is done every year. In the money market, another $100,000cc was put into play. This in turned generated a total profit of: $83,952cc. Money Market trading is something that fluctuates in profit, depending on a lot of outside events. The DoF believes it is luckily to have scored a good strong profit this term and hope next term the in-game markets and events help eAustralia profit again.


The only thing you government spend money on was MPPs. There were a total of 7 MPPs for a price of: $70,000cc.

Balance Sheet

Well now it is just the numbers for you…

Government Balance sheet:

Government controlled Orgs:

- In the above sheets, the 60k transfer to the RBA is not shown as it came from the income of taxes.
- Taxes paid back from the RBA to South Africa have been done after article release.

So there you have it.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask them.

eAustralian Department of Finance