[MoD] Citizen's Order of the Day 1233

Day 1,231, 16:11 Published in Japan Japan by exReality

Now with pictures!

Day 1233

Highest Priority
http://www.erepublik.com/en/military/battlefield/5374 Brazil vs Spain

Put all your damage here. This is an important battle for our alliance and we must do all we can to churn out damage here.

Average priority

http://www.erepublik.com/en/military/battlefield/5385 Japan vs NK

We should be able to win this one with ease since the Nkers/ Chinese soldiers won't be tanking this one. Only fight this battle if we're losing.

Day 1232

Average Priority Battle

http://www.erepublik.com/en/military/battlefield/5357 Japan vs NK

Getting our regions back! One region at a time..

Day 1231
Highest Priority Battle

http://www.erepublik.com/en/military/battlefield/5323 Brazil vs Spain

Fight here, it's an important battle for our allies. This one is nearing an end so fight in the BiH vs Serbia if it finishes.

Secondary Battle
http://www.erepublik.com/en/military/battlefield/5334 BiH vs Serbia

If the highest priority battle finishes, fight here. BiH needs our help and every damage counts.

Average priority

http://www.erepublik.com/en/military/battlefield/5338 Japan vs North Korea

This one is not as important as the others because NK will not be tanking as per peace agreement we had several days ago. NK is attacking Hokkaido, and they should lose as planned. This will give us initiative and we should be able to regain all our regions NK has claimed.

Other News

Check out this article for more information about the new war module. If you're still a bit confused send me a PM.

There is another article here about a citizen's militia headed by Vincent Garibaldi. The official military is working on increasing our own stockpile and this is a good alternative in the meanwhile.

For Photoshop Users

Credits to Lejina for the beautifully crafted masterpieces we can now use to illustrate the priority in our battles. If you think you can outdo the drawings provided above, send the graphics/links to me in a PM or upload them on the forums. You will be rewarded for your efforts!

--Minister of Defense