[MDP] The Legacy Continues; CP Elections

Day 2,023, 14:34 Published in Canada Canada by I-Bleed-Blue-93

Hello fellow eCanadians and members of the international community. I write to you all today to tell you about the Official Country President Candidate of the Military Dictatorship Party.

This gentleman is someone; with whom I have worked alongside for many months, who has been a dear friend to me and in fact to many eCanadians and distinguished socialites across the globe, someone who has invested countless hours into our community with immeasurable articles and many months of service in some of our most historic cabinets.

I speak of course, of Shoi12.

Shoi is running as the candidate of the Military Dictatorship Party, although he has made it clear that he is not a usual MDPer. He has instead been working alongside the MDP as an independent. However, I want it to be known that we consider him one of our own.

Shoi's expertise in Foreign Affairs combined with the grandiose experience of his assembled cabinet are more than capable of handling anything that comes eCanada's way this coming term.

After Homer's months at the helm, it is time to pass the torch, and I believe that Shoi is the perfect recipient.

He therefore has the full support of the Military Dictatorship Party, and, I sincerely hope, all of your support as well. For he has certainly earned it.

Shoi12's Campaign Articles to date:





Best Regards,

Dictator of the Military Dictatorship Party

As always eCanada, Fight hard and Fight smart.