[shoi4CP] A Bleak Midsummer

Day 2,019, 20:23 Published in Canada Canada by Shoi12

Rambling detected

Section 1: Music
Section 2: Introduction
Section 3: Predicament
Section 4: Internal Affairs
Section 5: Foreign Affairs
Section 6: Plans
Section 7: Wrapup

Section 1: Music

Awesome Music

Awesome Music 2

Awesome Music 3

...what? Nintendo for life! 😃 Anyway...

Section 2: Introduction

I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but Canada is wiped. I’m not going to blame anyone for the predicament, but it’s true. I’m also not sure if you’re aware, but the world is at war. World War VI is upon us, and frankly, it’s not looking that good so far. All our TWO chums have been going to town, and all their allies have taken their little chunks of land as well. Let’s see here...

Section 3: Predicament

Serbia has its massive blob, consisting of Croatia, Albania, Bosnia, and the southern chunk of Italy. In addition, they have a path through to France, and they are currently waltzing through America. If they defeat America, which is a definite possibility, who’s gonna help us out?

Poland has its own empire as well, taking control of nearly all of Germany, as well as the vast majority of France. Poland is surrounded by allies and states that cannot fight back, so their empire is extremely stable for the time being.

Hungary has Ukraine essentially under permanent occupation, and also owns chunks of Austria. Currently, they’re making their way through Russia, and have had little issue beating back the Russians.

United Kingdom may not be as powerful as some of its allies, but it’s perfectly located next to Poland, and the Poles protect the Brits, both as allies and to serve their own interests. They also have the Irish under control.

Slovenia has the Serbs protecting their southern border and the Hungarians protecting their northern front. As a result, they’ve occupied northern Italy, as well as Switzerland, in the first attack TWO staged on CoT.

Other nations, such as Greece, Thailand, Romania, Argentina, and Colombia, aren’t TWO nations, but they all are associated in some way and have made moves accordingly thanks to their friendships with TWO nations.

And finally Spain. Our old buddy has been our conqueror for the last few months, and also has chunks of Portugal and Venezuela in their grasp. All TWO nations are on the offensive, and so far, Asgard and our friends in CoT have been falling back. Russia is under siege, Chile’s grasp on South America has almost evaporated, and countless allies are occupied.

Is it not clear? We are losing. All the minor countries have been wiped by TWO, and if our stronger allies fall as well, we have no way of fighting back. This is why we must fight on, and support our allies any way we can, both for our sakes and our allies’ sakes as well. Of course, there are many ways in which we could help affect the world and the future of this game.

Section 4: Internal Affairs

I’ve always believed that the government should be the representative of the people. We’ve all seen decent ideas fall through because the public opinion denounced a plan, such as CTRL or, in our own backyard, our almost entry into CoT. It’s impossible to please everyone, but making rational judgements based on a consensus should be the goal of every fair government. This means communication and an open mind. Before we muddle in external affairs, we have to take care of our own home first, non?

My first task is to keep the nation informed. Does that mean daily articles meticulously writing out every little detail and happening? Perhaps not, though frankly I’m considering it (might as well pass the time somehow XD). But it does mean regular checkups to let the nation know what’s going on. The government must keep the nation informed, as much as possible. I may not have a lot of experience in this field, but I have plenty of time to get my 10,000 hours in country leading. 😃

Second is to keep the military informed. This means consistent updates with battle orders at The Hill Times (re: MoDs that work), providing coordination and (with generous donations 😉) supplies when necessary (hopefully they’ll be needed this month ^.^) over on #ecan.supply, and keeping the military officers in the know. A mass PM with all the commanders, keeping everyone in the loop? It sounds like a great idea, so might as well. Keep supplies open as much as we can, and we’ll look at funding as well. 🙂

Section 5: Foreign Affairs

Third is to keep our alliance informed. Asgard is not the strongest alliance, nor is it the director in the cinema we’re all a part of, but it’s the best choice we have. No nation can win on its own, and strong relations and solid communication can make our alliance stronger than the sum of its parts. We’ve all seen how communication can either win battles (Uruguay repelling Serbia in Pakistan a while back) or lose battles (Romania’s brilliant airstrike into Mexico), and in times of great peril and strife, we need to keep our friends in the know. How can we expect help from them if we don’t do our share to work with our allies, right? 😉

Section 6: Plans

Now, plans. It really depends on what you fellas, the general public, want to do. Currently, we are supporting America in its fight against Serbia. It makes sense on two fronts. First, as America is one of our closest allies, both geographically and historically, it’s only right to support them. Second, it benefits us as well. A free America, especially one without Serbia harassing it, would be much more free to help liberate us. We help them, they help us. Seems good.

Or we could try to take the initiative and liberate ourselves. Spain is living the easy life now, and frankly, we’re not draining all of their damage. They’re off helping Serbs beat up our American pals, or supporting Hungary in eating up Russia and our fellow Asgard allies. Why not take the fight to Spain? First, it forces Spain to focus on us, and removes their damage from other fronts. This gives our allies a boost, perhaps more than the extra something that we could provide. Second, Spain has shown in the past that they are incapable of handling multiple fronts. Truthfully, the only country that has handled multiple fronts even decently is Serbia, and even they struggle to contain them. There is no way that winning will be easy, but as long as the chance is greater than 0%, we have to keep fighting. This does not mean charging mindlessly into battle. That’s just a waste. But a calculated, coordinated plan to give ourselves a fighting chance against the Spaniards is what I want. And it’s already in the making 🙂

As for allies, it’s important to secure our relations with as many friendly countries as possible. Does this mean dropping 10k on every one of them? Of course not. Some countries, such as America, are worth it, while others we may not be able to afford. But keeping our friendships is a must. After all, we can’t ask anything of our allies if we don’t do anything for them, right? So besides Asgard, which is a definite, countries like Germark, Russia, Ireland, Netherlands, France, and Italy are great allies that we should keep in good graces. Perhaps they can help us out, non? 🙂

Section 7: Wrapup

And lastly, the cabinet. I’m a forgetful, lazy bastard, I admit. However, even a godsend needs some help! My cabinet will whip me into shape when I’m feeling lazy, and I’ll throw nonsensical orders at them to pass the time. I already have the core of my cabinet decided, but I’m always willing to hear players out. We’re a small country, but we can compensate for it by having many solid players that know what they’re doing. If you’re interested in helping out, feel free to give me a shout. I remember my roots, and how lucky I was to get a shot at making a difference. Anyone who’s interested in learning and helping the nation out, no matter how minor the task, I’m more than willing to listen to. We fight together 🙂

And yes, the cabinet article is coming ^.^

TL😉R Freedom is just 10,000 steps away 😃

And see, I'm not always lazy :3

War music

Until next time, take care!

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