[JS]Summary and Cabinet Preview

Day 1,353, 12:20 Published in Malaysia USA by Dr. Straatman
CP Run Series
[JS]My Intention to Run
[JS]My Plans
[JS]Plans For the Military
[JS]Plans For the Economy
[JS]Plans for Foreign Affairs

1) My level of activity for the month is going to be excellent.
2) I have over two years of experience in eRepublik and more than 1.5 years experience in eMalaysia.
3) I want to organize and expand the military of eMalaysia.
4) I plan on a loan program to help eMalaysians become more self sufficient for themselves.
TeMing has made some valid points to support his plan and while I still want to use my plan, I may also factor in his, depending on the thoughts of my Minister of the Economy.
5) Using the skills of Myntax Urne I want to expand our Foreign Relations while maintaining the ones we already have.

More in depth descriptions of these can be found in the links above.

This is only a teaser, my full cabinet will be released only if I win. The main offices are included and their job descriptions.

Minister of the Economy(MoE)-Amli Nujhan
The MoE's job will be to oversee the loan program and also be the MoF for the term(Amli if you aren't comfortable watching over the Central Bank let me know, I know we didn't talk about this expressly)

Minister of Social Affairs(MoSA)-Marcotje
The MoSA's job will be to oversee the growth of the nation's newbies. This means he will be working closely with the MoE to determine who is ready to receive loans to help promote self sufficicency and interest in the game.

Minister of Foreign Affairs(MoFA)-Myntax Urne
The MoFA's job will be to oversee the growth of our embassies as well as the embassies of foreign nations within eMalaysia. He will also work to re-establish old embassies and develop new ones in nations around the world, regardless of their affliation.

Minister of Defense(MoD)-Dr. Straatman
The MoD's job will be to restructure the military and oversee the creation of a distribution system. The growth of the military isn't a prime concern at this time, but is still a goal. The MoD will also issue battle orders for the populace and set up deployments around the world to help our allies.

All these offices have free reign to decide how their offices will be structured. If they wish to have a Deputy then they must find one(sorry guys 😛), if they wish to have multiple deputies or none at all that is also their decision. I will not expressly deny any appointments they make. If I have an issue with their appointments, I will speak with them about it rather than overruling them. So if you are interested in one of these areas, contact the Minister of the department about getting involved.

As always, you can ask me questions at the forums, with in-game PM or on my IRC channel #OfficeOfJS on Rizon.

Please Please Please take advantage of this. No matter what the question is, even if it isn't about the elections I'm happy to answer it. I want to be a good president for this nation and I can't do that if I don't know what the people think of me and my ideas. Also, I want to meet everyone I possibly can so message me and friend me 😎

Dr. Straatman