~Iran: Silent Sultans of PEACE?~

Day 415, 20:24 Published in USA USA by Benn Dover

Around a month or so ago I got word of a war declaration from Iran to Pakistan. The idea, at the time, seemed odd - two members of Peace GC at war with one another. Nevertheless, there was a catch. Pakistan and Iran signed a contract, allowing Iran access to certain regions of interest in Pakistan. Needless to say that these regions were only given to Iran for the sake of access to countries set further east, namingly India and China.

Several weeks later, Iran has gone through India, China, and is headed towards South Korea, with borders to their western front.

Citizens of the world, I ask you: Why? Why has nobody spoken out against such ruthless behavior? Why has nobody from either alliance said nor done nothing? Why does Iran deserve special treatment, free countries, and no support against? Iran is allowed to attack the world, yet the world is not allowed to attack France. Something is seriously wrong with the representation that Iran gives PEACE. The wars are not necessary, and the justification is non-existent.

Nobody supports you, Iran. Atlantis doesn't support you. China, India, and South Korea don't support you. Hell, not even your own alliance supports you. Continue on the path that you are going down and consequences will come naturally. I'll say this - just as PEACE promises that Russia will rise again, I promise, the US promises, that China and India will get their land back.

Vote for this article if you're against the late actions of Iran.

Thanks for reading,

~Benn Dover
Secretary of State {MoFA}~