[Goku for Deportation] Guilty until proven Innocent!

Day 1,930, 11:21 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by p00kachu

Are we all sitting comfortably? Good! then I'll begin...

As you all know, the Country Presidential elections are soon to be here. Election day, the day where the people will elect their new leader of their great nation. The tense atmosphere, the suspense! Roaring into a crescendo of Political Victory!

But who to choose? Yes, who indeed. You've all been brilliant, you truly have. You've laid your lives on the line for our beautiful nation, you've worked harder than ever before. But we all make mistakes in life, don't we? I could name a few, but I shan't. Because we are not to make those mistakes again, oh no, for soon we shall make the final mistake. Our Hubris, our tragic flaw that will the see the end of our safety and prosperity.

I am of course, talking of the Candidate Sage Goku. Sage Goku is the Newly 'Elected' New Era party president. Now, some might say "Well if he's the Party President of the Third Most popular party, what's wrong with the fella? He seems like a lovely old chap" Oh yes, but looks can be deceiving, can't they my people? I've recently left the NewEra party for one reason and one reason only, Mr Goku. Mr Goku believes that congressmen should be elected by how much Gold they can donate to the party or how many men they recruit. Recruiting? How is that bad you ask? Well, allow me to explain. When a prospective applicant wishes to join our great nation, he or she must be checked over to ensure that they are all good and proper boys and gels. But Goku believes that this process can be... how to say... "overlooked" as long as they join the NewEra political party afterwards. Well, not only is that wrong but it endangers our safety. My dear people, if you do not believe me, then believe what you will. He is a man of numbers afterall, just ask the Article Vote Buyers Club...

Moving on, there's no time to waste! Goku has shown himself as quite a character, a sneaky little fox you might say, oh yes. You may want to applaud his skill of espionage and deceit but then who would be laughing when that is the final encore, the encore that will strike down this nation. Hm? Certainly not you, oh no. Mr Goku is a thief, and he proudly admits this!

Exhibit A

A thief and an Anti-Patriot? And you'd elect this man? In the sarcastic words of drill Sgt Hartman: "Boy I like you, you can come over and F-*BOOP* my sister!". Think straight my people, would you give a Serial rapist/murderer the keys to your house? I sure hope not, for you and the inhabitants of your house. What ever the context, the sentiment remains.

Exhibit B

Well I'll be, he takes it to new levels. He expected people to shrug off his loan debt because "It's just a game" yet he wishes to take people's personal information and find them in order to get his quick-fix of sordid power! The audacity! My dear people, does that make you feel unsafe? That at any point, your Government may be following you outside of their jurisdiction?

And now.. for the closing of the Overture.

Exhibit C

(The Full Exposé here: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-drama-confession-of-past-sins-2130256/1/20)

Mr Goku gives us full details of his acts and trials as a renown thief and scoundrel. I shall leave that with you. Once a whore, nothing more. Old Dog.. new tricks, you get what I'm trying to say?

I've said my piece my friends, my colleagues. The evidence speaks for itself. All you have to do, is say *No* and vote someone else. All I will say is, you have been warned. There will be no shoulder to cry on when things go south because of Mr Goku.
