[eUK] On Ireland and Leadership

Day 3,496, 16:27 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by WayneKerr

Word up eUK, Harambe4CP

A little note about Ireland for those unaware of the current situation regarding our potato eating, drive tarmacking, inbred cousins to the west.

This here article is worth a read, worth a troll and the best shitpost will win 10g (Mongress have had a head start and so far Dougal is winning), it explains the current situation with Ireland from their point of view. Obviously it's heavily biased towards the Paddies, they always like to play the victim card.

Seeing as you have probably not gone and read the article I linked (even with the temptation of 10 big ones up for grabs), you probably have no idea what I'm talking about. Well we in Mongress do and I'm here to explain it all to you.

Dish, everyone's favourite current Mexican CP, has handled Mongress with Kids Gloves since taking office. Presumably watching Applepleb be kicked to the curb by those even in his own party last term has had an effect on how he decided to cooperate with us in Mongress this term. There will be more to come on this later.

On with the show...

The Problem With eIreland.

I have no idea how or why we got on to discussing the Training War. But for some reason we did. I think maybe Dish asked us our opinion. The reaction was typical of what you expect from eUK Mongress when asked anything. The odd chirp of 'lets wipe Ireland', the faint hum of 'we are fags, lets have peace', with the almighty din of 'apathy' ringing incessantly in the background.

With no solid plan coming from Mongress (highly unlikely 40 people who like each other would ever agree on anything, let alone 40 guys who detest each other) and Dish seemingly wanting to push Mongresses hand, he decided to publicly air a poll on the matter for some reason. Caved in to the trolling probably.

This let our Ginger Haired Neighbours in on our discussion, which quite rightly put them on Red Alert, seeing as how the past CP was/is/andwillalwaysbe shit at pressing buttons at the correct time (the only job he really needs to do during a TW) and had broken some agreement (I didn't read the terms and I bet neither did you) numerous times. Couple this with the fact that the ePaddies claim to have screenshots of 'plotting' by eUK and other Orion members, they have started to cry for help and raid the piggy bank with the intention of striking hard. So just be prepared. Mongress are currently donating 400k to CptChazbeard, who will lead the charge using his MU if it comes to it.

A Case of Leadership

Certain sections of Mongress have made some noise regarding the way Dish has handled Mongress this term. I will address the issues that I see, but first let me say that Dish has tried to be as inclusive as he can, he's praised those that have come up with good ideas and has been using considerate restraint when disagreeing with someone. His manner one can not argue with, only his style.

For as long as I can remember eUK's Mongress members have been useless. When I first managed to get elected (using the cool old method that actually caused positive activity in the political module, I blame Plato for turning me in to the player I am) the authoritarian way that the use of Citizenship Passes were regulated was the hot topic, closely followed by the 'to forum or not forum' argument. We then moved on to the 'in game messages or forum posts' arguments. This lasted years, the first 3 weeks would be arguing over which is better... honestly. I can't remember a time, Mongress, together came up with anything useful.

It's always been one man. Sometimes a citizen, sometimes an individual Mongressman, with an idea. An idea that he shares, an idea that people like and decide to put in to action. More often than not, it's been the CP. Mongress are conditioned to blindly follow most plans as long as you put together a semi coherent thought behind it. Dapper raising taxes was a prime example of such retarded actions Mongress are capable off.

Mongress and by extension the eUK respect a strong, yet thoughtful, leader. Someone that has the conviction to stand up and say, 'Right bitches, this is whut we gunna do'. We don't want to think, we just want to think that we have thought. You don't need to ask for opinions or thoughts, it's nice to pretend that you value them and have taken them into consideration, but ultimately, they should never factor into a leaders thoughts. A real leader of men will already have discussed his plans with his trusted lieutenants and got the ball rolling before Mongress should even be aware of such plans. We are just rubber stampers.

The eUK requires a true leader more now than ever I feel, someone who has a vision of what he wants to see. I believe Dish has it in him. He was a leader back when the game had many more players, he knows what it takes. He hasn't surrounded himself with the best players, that will always be a hindrance. But there is nothing stopping him from changing tact and end up coming up smelling of roses.

Can he or will he? Time will tell...

peace eUK


looking forward to a moar assertive Dish