【e世界观察家】大战热点战事一览(更新) HOT BATTLES TODAY(D940)

Day 940, 05:01 Published in China China by absot

▓ eWorld Observer ISSUE.68 D940 ▓

Greeting Spanish for their great sacrifices!

Hot Battles in the World War on D940

The data is collected in 8:00, D940

France attack Spain - Aquitaine, 1 vs 1, 2.5 hours to end, current wall about -40k. High density of population (3000+ citizens), important high wood region. It is French inherent region, which should be the main strategic goal of Phoenix in this offensive!

Canada attack France - Pays de la Loire, 1 vs 1+9MPP, 3 hours to end, current wall over 1M. High grain region, diversionary battle.

Canada attack Russia - Alaska, 1 vs 1, 8 hours to end, current wall about 160k. High oil region. Canada attacked this region to block Russia after USA retreat here under the attack of Russia. There is a resistance battle in the same time. USA and Canada will decied whether to regain this region immediately or continue block Russia with it.

Another unimportant battle will be finished within 7 hours, in which Russia attacked Oulu, Finland.

Hungary attack Spain - Rhone Alps, 1 vs 1, 2.5 hours to end, current wall about -1.3M. High density of population (4000+ citizens), important high wood region. Hungary approached this region via the complicated and expensive land-swap with Switzerland and attacked it, which should also be the main strategic goal of Phoenix in this offensive!

Another two unimportant battles will be finished within a few hours, in which Hungary attacked Slovakia.

Brazil attack South Affrica - Northern Cape, 1 vs 1+8MPP, 7 hours to end, current wall about 560k. There are about 1000+ citizens here, important high diamond region. Condemn Brazil again for they willing to grab the World Cup with unfair methods!

China attack Serbia - Liaoning, 1 vs 1, 15.5 hours to end, current wall about -250k. Extreme high density of population (10500+ citizens), important high iron region, life line of Serbia. It is the main strategic counterattack objective for China-USA and EDEN after China retreated from Jilin and Inner Mogolia to get the initiative back. The enemies of Phoenix thought they finally found the best attack opportunity after Phoenix lauched attacks everywhere on D939. And Serbia has prepared its leeway in North Korea (Pyongan).

Croatia attack Serbia - Vojvodina, 1+9MPP vs 1+14MPP, 16 hours to end, current wall about -550k. Important high grain region. Although it is not the main target, EDEN may adjust the emphasis here depending on the situation.

Romania attack Serbia - Eastern Serbia, 1 vs 1+14MPP, 16 hours to end, current wall about 170k. There are about 1000+ citizens here, medium iron region. Important diversionary battle and tanks may be put here if necessary.

Croatia attack Slovenia - Inner Carniola, 1 vs 1+13MPP, 16 hours to end, current wall about 500k. Diversionary battle here.

India attack Serbia - Sindh, 1 vs 1, 17 hours to end, current wall about 80k. Diversionary battle here.

In addition, UK attacked Sorlandet to block Poland and the battle finished just now. The battle which UK attacked Nordjylland of Norway will be finished within 3 hours, the current wall is about -100k.

今天下午去面试回来,发现终于进攻辽宁了,全球发生了一系列热点战斗。这些都源于Phoenix领导人的大胆尝试,正如我在前不久在评论世界大战新观察 New Observation of World War V中所述,世界需要具有远见和激情的政治家和指挥官发挥其想象力打破民众 对游戏的厌倦,如今这一切终于来了。


以下数据截止时间为D940 8:00(北京时间6月17日23:00)。

法国进攻西班牙Aquitaine,1 vs 1,2.5小时后结束,目前墙高约4万。人口密集地区(3000多人),重要高木产地 。这里是法国固有领土,应当是Phoenix此次攻势中的主要战略目标之一!

加拿大进攻法国Pays de la Loire,1 vs 1+9MPP,3小时后结束,目前墙高超过100万。高粮产地,牵制性战斗。

加拿大进攻俄罗斯Alaska,1 vs 1,8小时后结束,目前墙高约16万。高油地区。美国在俄罗斯进攻下撤退后,由加拿大 发起进攻,以封锁俄罗斯先手权。另有一场起义战斗作为配合,美加将视情况决定是否需要 立刻夺回此地区。


匈牙利进攻西班牙Rhone Alps,1 vs 1,2.5小时后结束,目前墙高约-130万。人口密集地区(4000余人),重要高 木产地。匈牙利通过与瑞士等复杂和昂贵的换地接近此地区,获得了进攻的机会,这里也应 当是Phoenix此次攻势中的主要战略目标之一!


巴西进攻南非Northern Cape,1 vs 1+8MPP,7小时后结束,目前墙高约56万。该地约1000余人,重要高钻产地。 再次强烈谴责巴西妄图利用不正当手段夺取世界杯!

中国进攻塞尔维亚Liaoning,1 vs 1,15.5小时后结束,目前墙高约-25万。人口极度密集地区(10000余人), 高铁产地,塞尔维亚命脉。中国从吉林和内蒙古战场撤退后获得了主动权,中美以及EDE N的主要战略反击目标,Phoenix在D939四处出击后让对手认为终于找到了最好 的进攻机会,而塞尔维亚已在朝鲜(平壤地区)提前寻找好了退路。

克罗地亚进攻塞尔维亚Vojvodina,1+9MPP vs 1+14MPP,16小时后结束,目前墙高约55万。人口密集地区(4000余人), 重要高粮产地。虽然不是EDEN的主要战略目标,但是届时可视情况将攻击重点调整到这 里。

罗马尼亚进攻塞尔维亚Eastern Serbia,1 vs 1+14MPP,16小时后结束,目前墙高约17万。该地约1000余人,中铁产地。 重要的牵制性战斗,必要时刻强攻这里。

克罗地亚进攻斯洛文尼亚Inner Carniola,1 vs 1+13MPP,16小时后结束,目前墙高约50万。牵制性战斗。

印度进攻塞尔维亚Sindh,1 vs 1,17小时后结束,目前墙高约8万。牵制性战斗。

另有英国牵制波兰进攻Sorlandet的战斗刚刚结束;英国进攻挪威Nordjyl land的战斗将在3小时后结束,目前墙高为地下-10万左右。


ISSUE.67 D938 V2特性:机票及其移动距离
ISSUE.66 D938 世界人口报告(D938)——中国表现堪忧


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