[BEP] Party President Elections

Day 814, 11:32 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Eadie
In three days it will be time yet again to vote for a new Party President. At the time of writing we have three candidates:

Big- Joe Pyde:
As yet no manifesto. I would expect to see one soon from this long standing party member.

Lemuel Gengulfus:
A former Party President and someone who is wanting to raise the profile of the party. His manifesto can be found here.

A plucky young upstart. His manifesto can be found here.

Big-Joe Pryde and Lemuel Gengulfus have shown in the past they are important members of the party. ProudtobeBritish23 is relatively new to the party but very keen to be involved and like the other candidates is active on the eUK forums.

What is important is that the Party elects someone that can push the Party forwards, and preferably doesn't steal both gold and orgs, then run off to another country... For myself, the main goals for the new Party President should be to organise a successful congress election campaign and over see the creation of some proper policies. Of course reclaiming fourth spot from PCP would be a nice as well!

As you can see I have no interest in standing, my brief reign as an unelected Party President will soon be over thankfully! This will no doubt be my last article as BEP PP but thanks to everyone in the Party for making my short term so easy.

Finally if I was to be asked to briefly describe the Party for anyone one interested in joining, I would say BEP is a fun Party to be in, with plenty of friendly people who have bright ideas. Come join us and help shape the Party!

Party President of The British Empire Party