[BDP] Supporting GGRyan Nov '5th

Day 1,080, 12:58 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by British Democratic Party Hub

Today it’s been 19 days since I was elected President of the British Democratic Party.

Well, I can’t tell it has been straight-forward to be honest. I’ve been working with all active BDP members on forum to get this party to go up. We certainly have increased our active members on forum so far, as well as to recover our in game membership which dropped to 37 or so last term. (Currently 56).

The BDP has a great team working everyday for the party well-being, recruitment, media, congressional, policies, cabinet direction, company managers, just to name a few. I want to show my gratitude to them because I wouldn’t be able to do my job without them.
During this week, after presidential elections we will be releasing officially our Policies, which we already have but have been undergoing amendments.

We happily achieved 3 congressmen plus 1 who joined after who we helped to get the seat. That would be 4 congressmen for BDP; sadly we lost Helia for one vote. I’d like to thank our Congressional Director for organizing this election and everyone who voted for our candidates. So I can tick one of my goals proposed on my manifesto for this term.

Still, I got 2 weeks remaining and I will be completely dedicate to the CP elections and to out recruitment team, to increase our membership and my job will be done.

The main reason of, releasing this article is not only to get you updated but, to officially announce that the British Democratic Party (BDP) is supporting GGRyan as our Country President Candidate. If you haven’t check GGRyan’s manifesto yet please you can click on the following links:


We need GGRyan for a 2nd term.

I invite you to check our previous BDP Reporter articles:

Reasons why we are right for YOU!

Thank you for reading my short article.

Party President