[BDP] Endorses ____________ for Prime Minister!

Day 1,229, 11:50 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by British Democratic Party Hub

After much deliberation, the British Democratic Party has come to endorse Mr Woldy for another term as Prime Minister (or Country President, whichever you prefer). Of all the candidates, the BDP feels that Mr Woldy has what it takes to continue leading the eUK.

Mr Woldy has promised to invade Ireland, which is something the British Democratic Party is thrilled about (and even made a Party Policy recently). The Irish really are asking for it, and I, personally, cannot wait to wipe them off the map.

“Militarily we will be bashing about in Ireland, that's a scouts promise.” – Mr Woldy

Now, we all respect a person who can learn from their mistakes. Admitting them on their own is even more impressive. Mr Woldy has done just this! There have been some complaints about a lack of communication from the Prime Minister this term, which I won’t dispute. Mr Woldy has taken note of this and has a great plan to communicate his actions with the public more efficiently next term!

“To tackles this, one key aspect of next month’s MoHA will be a cabinet secretary who will compile reports and prep statements to be published both via the eUK Home Office newspaper and the announcements forum.” – Mr Woldy

So, vote Mr Woldy for Prime Minister. He’s a natural leader, is respected all over the eWorld, and is absolutely hilarious.

“To sum it up:

Yo, it's Woldy that is my name,
A CP endorsment is my game,
We're currently catching shadow in greater belgium zoo,
next month we'll have rogered the irish too,
foreign affairs can change over time,
but with my experience we'll be fine,
so vote me for fun *CLAP CLAP CLAP*
because everyone else is a pile of cr-“ -- Mr Woldy

Some Party News:

Our Party President, ProudtobeBritish23, has made a decision to leave the game. We at the BDP wish him the best of luck in his RL endeavors (whatever they may be). As his VPP, I (Connor West) am now placed into the role of Acting Party President (with help from Devoid, of course) of the BDP.

--Connor West
Acting Party President, BDP