[BDP] Let's Invade Ireland

Day 1,225, 09:13 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by British Democratic Party Hub

The BDP has adopted a new party policy. Basically, we want to wipe eIreland off the map and unite the British Isles. Besides, we haven’t seen a good war in a while, and everybody’s itching to fight.

What does going to war mean for you?
Well, it could mean a number of things….

Economic Growth

Because economics can be quite a trip, too.

War in itself is a huge boost to an economy. People buy more guns and food than normal during war, meaning GM’s may expand by building new companies if we can keep wars going on. That means more jobs, and because of the increased competition for employees, the average player will probably see an increase in their wages (which you can use to buy more food and guns)!

Experience Boosts

Mario says, “Why settle for training wars when you can have the real thing?”

Fighting in battles is a great way to increase your military rank and overall citizen level. The more a citizen fights, the more a citizen can influence a battle (a higher military rank gives more influence per kill). If you fight as often as you can (keeping your health in check, of course), you can rise through the ranks and maybe even become a renowned tank for the United Kingdom!

Fun and Activity

lol. It’s Spongebob.

A big part of eRepublik is the war module. Why should we let it go to waste? Fighting and getting involved with military groups is a lot of fun! And after all, this is a game right? We’re supposed to have fun!

In conclusion, the BDP believes that invading eIreland will result in a great boost to the economy, more experience for the population, and a whole lot of fun!

P.S. The United Kingdom is planning on invading Ireland….

Crap! What have we done???

--Connor West
Vice Party President, BDP

P.S. I hear Mr. Woldy's pretty cool (end of article) 🙂