[AMD4CP] Domestic Policy

Day 5,673, 06:55 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by AMD.

Good afternoon my fellow citizens. After the incredible amounts of engagement my cabinet article received yesterday (here if you need a reminder), I thought it would be perfect to keep up that renewed spark and level of interest with the first policy manifesto! We start out today with domestic policies. As always, comments are appreciated! And we are still on the look out for volunteers in the cabinet! Hit me a message.


Domestics are vital - new players are like gold in eRep so we should making their early days in the eUK as easy as possible, whilst encouraging engagement in eRep and the eUK.

So we will have an active MoEd and Deputy to deliver the following:

New Players Guarantee.

The first thing to make clear is a TRS Government will GUARANTEE that every new registration to the eUK will be contacted within a week of starting. They will be provided with a starters bundle consisting of:

1000 energy of food.
20 Q7 guns.
A named Mentor.
Links to tutorials from their mentor.
A one week check in and two week check in from their Mentor.

This will do wonders for encouraging engagement in the early days. This will be done in a bi-partisan manner, promoting the work of the government and eUK across a wide spectrum.

The Wiki Renaissance fund

The Wiki Renaissance fund will be a small envelope of funds used to reward wiki editors for updating eUK pages, including tutorial materials.

The Wiki pages are a great resource, but long neglected. New players signing up today try to use the wiki and find it out of date, so we have to do everything we can to encourage contributors to update key pages.

This includes the eUK tutorial, which will be built upon and added to, with ingame articles summarising key themes so new-player assistance is always close at hand, for whoever may find themselves being asked for help.

Bupa & NHS

No one has a firm idea of what the NHS is or what it is doing, the person running it says it isn’t gov but they’ve run it as a cabinet member for months. This has led to no one knowing if it is working or how effective it is, so a clean break is needed between the NHS and Government. Instead the Government will work to assist and resource the NHS and Bupa as ‘third party providers’ and resource them based on energy distributed and outreach.

Community Rewards Framework

Lastly, in order to support and encourage new players we will fully implement TRS’s Community Rewards Framework, which players will be alerted to at first contact. The government will manage the entitlements and work with new citizens to reward various activities listed below. New players will each have a pot of money allocated to them from which they can claim rewards for the following:

➟ Read and comment on: 2 articles - 200 GBP / 4 articles - 500 GBP

➟ Write a meaningful article - 400 GBP / 2 articles - 1000 GBP

➟ Add 10 UK Citizens to your friend list - 500 GBP / add 20 - 1000 GBP

➟ Add 5 international Citizens on your friend list - 250 GBP

➟ Use party/MU/friends feed - 200/400/600/800/1000 GBP based on commander/PP/friends feedback

➟ Use party/MU chat (erep or other) - 200/400/600/800/1000 GBP based on commander/PP/friends feedback

➟ Running for Congress - 300 GBP / Getting elected - 500 GBP

➟ Engaging in any Gov program/scheme (Div 1 comps, Bupa, etc) - 1000 GBP

➟ Hardworker medal - 1000 GBP for first medal, then 500 GBP
➟ Super soldier medal - 250 GBP
➟ Battle/RH/Sky hero - 250 GBP
➟ Campaign Hero - 250 GBP

This will hopefully encourage new players whilst also ensuring resource is spent on their support and game experience, not just on improving the experience of older players.

Some fascinating, not too scary stuff to whet your whistle with. Join me in the coming days as we approach the other fascinating subjects such as military and financial policy.

I have been your loyal servant, as always,

Domestic Policy Military Policy Cabinet Financial Policy