[666]The day the eWorld stood still

Day 666, 09:22 Published in Romania Romania by N.V.me


The beginning:
1.“But you, all powerful Admin, true protector of eGod, shut up the words, tempban the heretics and seal the headless chicken until the time of the end. Many shall be for or against, but with the new company tools knowledge will increase…” - eRep myEasyPHP 40,4.

The end of the eWorld is real? And if yes, when? One of the most key questions on everybody’s lips today.

Let’s analyze:
So, just before the end, it will be a great increase of knowledge… no longer the workers will cheat the employers, no longer no accurate info on the company’s profit. Check mark on this one.

Heretics and their words… hmmm checked.

That lives the headless chicken… muahahaha, it will never be caught. Opss, latest new from inside: checked. We are doomed…

2. “And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled, the end is near but not quite there yet…” - Sebahmah’s “Bring it on” 10.8

Well there are wars and that are rumors that they will bring it on… clear on this one. We are doomed…

3.”But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come. For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, disobedient to SMR, unforgiving, without self-control, despisers of good” – Oarecare’s Gospel 1.01.

Ahh this one is tough. Welcome to eRomania, you fool. Leave all hope at border…

4. “As it was also in the days of McWill: They ate, they bought, the sold, they upgraded; but on the day that Seba went out, it rained fire and brimstone and even all mighty eGod from heaven send his best to stop it…”

Clearly a reference of the Great Hack and the Great Half Hour War between eRo and eHun…

5.”And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.”

The ending:
It is clear as the night sky when illuminated by the moon light. The end will come. Leave your possessions, your q5 weapons, your company and your gold…Leave them to me.


Sal. Bem si noi maine o bere ? la Curte?


Knock yourself out: http://translate.google.ro/?hl=ro&tab=wT#

And so past day 666 of eRep. Best Regards.

The one and only proudest Romanian. All others are fake (pana mea 🙂 cum sa uit tocmai de tine)…
Have a cold one...