#54 WOW!

Day 1,287, 18:31 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Gambit8

Hello Readers!
I'd like to thank you guys, I got like over 50 subscribers since my last article, crazy stuff. Apparently a lot of Macedonians liked my last article...can't think why 😉 haha
So that's the reason for the title WOW!

Lets start off with a bit of UK news. Ireland have attacked the region of West Midlands but because the UK are obviously too awesome, we're repelling them and are winning 7 mini-battles to their ZERO.
A lot of this is not only down to Alfagrem but throughout the battle we've been getting a lot of help from our amazingly loyal allies. Especially that of Slovenia, Serbia, Lithuania and France. You lot mentioned are even more beautiful 🙂

The United Kingdom won in Northern Ireland and have started a resistance war in Wales. In about an hour or two you may see both West Midlands and Wales won by the UK, making it so the only way to attack in Ireland would be their home regions, once again.
The resistance war in Scotland however is not going ever so well, and the UK are losing, but considering the UK does have 3 battles going on right now it's no surprising one of them isn't getting much damage put onto it at all. Although, saying that, the Scots aren't a species you want to mess with. Them hairy ginger drunks can and will bite. Yes, I'm talking to you Grump.

Germany have lost a resistance war in Saarland, which isn't a surprise. Once the UK finish their war with Ireland and Canada I would hope, or even, just expect the orders to be to help you guys out. I'm sure by now that we've produced a lot of Moving Tickets by now, if any country needs help, it's you guys. However that is in the distant future so you can't really predict how much the UK will be able to help at all.

The last Montenegrin home-region under Serbian control is being attacked, the difference is to this resistance war is the fact Serbia are actually winning. The reason for this is that Serbia have no battle to fight at the moment and two-clickers will be fighting for their country i.r against Montenegro.

Random funny picture for the sake of it.

Serbia beat Bulgaria in Varna, the Bulgarian capital and that's 2,500+ Bulgarians not fighting for their country tomorrow unless they travel. Bulgaria are down to just two regions now and if Serbia are able to wipe Bulgaria off the map, what will they do next? Serbia have made a deal with Croatia not to attack, but since Hungary are pretty much bored they could do a joint attack on Croatia making a giant step for ONE in the war.

I did say that Hungary are bored, but that isn't actually entirely true. They have began a war with Austria and have gained a region, but Hungary are no doubt going to win that war and will be bored, if they aren't already as it's such a simple war for a huge country like themselves.

Italy have began a resistance war in Slovenia and it makes you wonder what the hell Slovenia are doing. It seems they have all but given up on their Italian colonies and are letting them gain the regions. However this may also be a good tactic as they already know they are not gaining any bonuses from these region so they are letting the regions go, concentrating on allied battle such as the UK 😃 and when the opportune moment presents itself they can declared war on Italy once again and with a sexy Natural Enemy bonus.

Russia have also started a resistance war in Kaliningrad and since all the Lithuanians are asleep it's a perfect time to start the resistance war, but once the Lithuanians are awake again I'm sure that battle may take priority and I'm sure they'll be able to nick it back.

A resistance war has also been started in the region of Macedonia, Greece. They could easily go for Aegean Islands to reconnect their regions. Surely it has become clear that Macedonia are never ever going to let that region go, just start resistance war somewhere new, maybe they'll find more luck there. That's all I have to say about that.

USA have been pushed out of Castilla y Leon....again and Spain will probably now go for Galicia or Canary Islands. More likely Galicia as they probably don't want a border with Brazil at the moment just in-case they decide to start anything again.
Spain do need a lot more allied support in my opinion, and speaking of allied support there is a debate in the UK forums at the moment about new allies. I mentioned Latvia, whereas others would prefer to have Spain as an ally and as long as France are fine with that I don't see any reason why Spain would be a bad ally. One huge upside would be that they are at war with the US and it one thing that came up a lot is about getting USA back down to one region again 😃

Cyprus for some reason have declared war in Egypt, it does seem like a cheap shot in my opinion, however this could work for Egypt as they could start a resistance war and make their capital in a much more suitable place such as the region of Upper Egypt. Out of the way and has connections to two other potential Egyptian regions: Western Desert and Middle Egypt. Then three regions together would fulfil the basic needs of a country; two weapon resource regions and a food resource region. As well as the regions being surrounded by a Macedonian blockade.

Macedonia are attacking the Greek region of Ha'il after being successful in Peloponnese. There is a long way to go however as the Greeks do own a vast amount of regions but it seems that these regions are just postponing the inevitable, unless of course the admins being in a new rule: Greece is not allowed to be wiped.
These admins are great at pretending to be impartial 😉
If Macedonia are to conquer the remaining Greek colonies in the Middle East then we may actually finally find peace there as all the Middle Eastern countries get along, excluding Israel (Who are no longer on the map). The Middle Eastern countries are relatively weak compared to the rest of the countries in the game and that is why a strong bond is needed, and is another reason why you see Iran constantly having training wars, as it says in the name, it makes the countries stronger military-wise and gives them that extra boost. You have to remember though that the Middle Eastern countries are still growing nations as they are new compared to other countries. And to be fair, Macedonia are also pretty new too, they just had a huge babyboom in their early days.

Brazil have started a war against Peru and I'm sure we all know how that war is going to turn out. Southern Low Amazon is a region previously owned by Brazil before is was taken back by Peru a few days ago and they are just there to take it back especially as it has the valuable oil resource.

Venezuela are beginning to push the Portuguese back out of their homeland as they have secured Venezuelan Capital and have won over North Eastern Venezuela in a resistance war. The only region left to get would be Guayana which the Portuguese are determined to keep as this battle is pretty much even whereas the two Venezuelan victories were absolute push overs.

Australia have once again been wiped by Indonesia and already another natural enemy has been proposed and as I had predicted in my last article, they have indeed proposed Malaysia as their natural enemy. The vote is currently winning at 10-0. Bare in mind Indonesia has 50 congressmen in total I believe.

Thanks for reading, post sensible comments below, I don't want it like last time with all them immature comments about the region and country of Macedonia. Nice, polite (As polite as the internet can be) debates are what I'm aiming for here.