#2 Aware - Day 543 Of The New World

Day 543, 11:17 Published in Canada Canada by GChrome

Day 2 of my diary, feels so nice to write down everything and to be able to not keep it inside me! Anyways, when I finally awoke from my deep slumber at 8:00, I went to the store immediately and bought some crackers from Ambrosia Canada Inc., it was about 98 cents, a lot higher than yesterday. Some days the price is high, some days its low.

A lot have been racing through my mind lately, and these ideas, thoughts, and feelings, all flowing in me. Almost like an instinct, telling me to work, train, and even go into a hospital. Allowing me to survive, live and grow!

I even wonder if there is another world similar to ours, but is more corrupt, evil and desperate, where homeless people cannot work, cannot eat, and grows hungry everyday, while the people with beautiful homes do not care about them - ignoring them - thinking that they are animals. It hurts me to even think about.

Went to Vertex Moving at 9:00, (same thing day after day) producing these tickets. The tickets are orange with a plane symbol on the center.The tickets look pretty weird, but everyone uses them to travel from place to place.

My job at Vertex Moving allows me to eat and have an okay life, better than the others. Some, I see on the street that are in worse condition than me. They pratically can't even participate in wars - unlike me - who is so healthly we can just walk on the battlefield and at least do some damage.

I decided to train at the gym, its totally free, seems to be paid by the government to allow citizens to train and become stronger. It didn't really feel like I improved today, maybe that's how it is. When you become superior, it becomes even harder to become even more superior. A week ago, it was easy to get stronger, just a few sessions and I was a lot more effective! Now, it seems like you need to work even more harder.

News has been spreading around, decided to read check it myself. Found a newspaper and read an article in it. It turned out that there was a PP voting, I seemed to be invisible to me, well at least I know now. I still am confused on which political party to join. I hope I can figure out tomorrow.

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