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[MoFA Team Hire] Apply today^^ (please vote it up)

5 Tag 597, 02:17 Veröffentlicht in Australia Australia

Gday Australia,

Today I would like to start recruiting eAustralian citizens and allow them to get a chance at helping their nation. I have many plans installed but unfortunately I can not do all of it myself.


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Emergency Senate and Cabinet IRC meeting [Vote this Up](UPDATED)

6 Tag 585, 06:48 Veröffentlicht in Australia Australia

Thank you Australia for voting this up 🙂.
Meeting has finished 🙂.

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Keeping it short and simple:
All senators are to look at this following topic asap.

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Vorodor running for Senate!!!

8 Tag 579, 04:59 Veröffentlicht in Australia Australia

Good Day eAustralia

Firstly, I would like to introduce myself to everyone as Dark Vorodor. I am a new citizen who is regularly active both on the eAustralia forums and ausrep IRC. With more than 4 months experience in the game I believe

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The end one road, yet a brighter future

12 Tag 577, 04:09 Veröffentlicht in Australia Australia

Gday Australia,

Firstly, I would like to thank all of the wonderful friends I have made during my 2 terms as senator. Honestly, you guys have been there for me when I was a newb and argued with me to allow me to express my views stronger.


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[OPEN LETTER to eAustralia] Who am I?? What do I belong to?

26 Tag 553, 05:27 Veröffentlicht in Australia Australia

2-3 month ago, an inspired new player joined a game. He knew almost nothing about this game, but was determined to have a new adventure, and create a name for himself, make some new friends along the way.

He was introduced onto IRC and got into

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