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eViL nUt running for Congress

11 Tag 548, 04:56 Veröffentlicht in Australia Australia

Good Day Australia

First of all, I would like to introduce those who do not know me. I am eViL nUt, a relatively new player to eAustralia and its politics with three months experience. Although I only have 3 month's experience, I believe I am a

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The article you are probably expecting :D

19 Tag 547, 03:01 Veröffentlicht in Australia Australia

First of all, I would like to thank of all of my supports/friend/fellow senators who have either publicly or privately send my well wishes. I am astounded by the support I received since my last article and I am more resolved as ever to give my mehr »

Introduction, answer and future

27 Tag 544, 20:53 Veröffentlicht in Australia Australia

I didn't intent to make this newspaper originally, but due to some unfortunate circumstances, I decided to make this newspaper.

The main reason for my article is this:


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