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The answers to the second forum contest

6 Tag 923, 10:48 Veröffentlicht in Malaysia Malaysia

Sorry that this is late, I'm sure you forgot about it anyway 😉

1. What has the new committee named that will deal with the Healthy Newbie program?
Citizen Welfare Committee

2. What was the original face book group that was meant to attract

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The second forum based contest

4 Tag 919, 15:08 Veröffentlicht in Malaysia Malaysia

Despite the fact that the first contest went so badly I have decided to continue the forum contests. PLEASE abide by the rules this time. I would like more then 3 people to participate this time. Remember all you have to do is get on the [url=http://

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The answers to the first forum contest

5 Tag 914, 12:09 Veröffentlicht in Malaysia Malaysia

Question 1
Who is the only education mod?

Question 2
Who belongs to the most user groups on the forums, how many?
Nagyzee 7

Question 3
Who was the first user to ever join the forums, how many posts has that person made??
admin, 1 or

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Announcing the first weekly forum contest!

6 Tag 912, 06:02 Veröffentlicht in Malaysia Malaysia

Yesterday I decided to fulfill one of my campaign promises and start the weekly forum contest. All seemed to be going well. I had gathered all of the questions, got the necessary prizes, but then found that no one had responded to the topic. I

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Field guide to surving the first few days

7 Tag 911, 09:28 Veröffentlicht in Malaysia Malaysia

There has been some confusion among our newer citizens of how to keep their wellness up or even how to survive in a game as boring as erepublik. I must say that it is challenge for even the most able bodied people.


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