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Clanky4 IS running for party president in the DPP again.

10 Tag 966, 10:56 Veröffentlicht in Malaysia Malaysia

Hello again from me, clanky4. I will once again be running for party president position of the DPP. Now some of you may know me as the former party president and occasional forum goer, or you may not know me at all.

Healthy Newbie Program[/

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Non stop lies.

4 Tag 957, 13:54 Veröffentlicht in Malaysia Malaysia

The non stop lies from the PTO group is annoying me and several other real citizens of eMalaysia everyday. It seems that their campaign of lies has started relatively recently. With their robbery[/

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My memories of the Party Presidency

8 Tag 949, 15:45 Veröffentlicht in Malaysia Malaysia

I can recall the first time that I ever had the idea to actually run for party president. It was sometime back in January of 2010 me and Carr De Vaux were joking around and I said that I would give him so competition in the name of destroying

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Another run at congress

13 Tag 942, 07:15 Veröffentlicht in Malaysia Malaysia

I will once again be running for congress in eMalaysia.

I have been congressmen in various regions for two terms and have served the nation until the end of each term. During my time as congressmen I have tried my best to be active on the forums

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Nearing the end of my term as party president.

6 Tag 938, 15:49 Veröffentlicht in Malaysia Malaysia

My time as party president of the DPP is coming to close. As of day 939 the DPP will have a new fresh party president leading us, I wish them all the best.

I would like to announce that all of my campaign promises have been fulfilled. However

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