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FBS goes PRS

56 Tag 268, 16:29 Veröffentlicht in Sweden Sweden

Press play, It's morphin time!

FBS has decided to turn over a new leaf. We are changing our name to Power Rangers Sweden (PRS) and have changed our avatars

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My Candidacy (Algaroth)

10 Tag 262, 03:06 Veröffentlicht in Sweden Sweden

A couple of months ago I was elected party leader of FBS. Many argue that the reason for this was that Flammbar wasn't running. I had planned for us both to run in the election one month later to find out but realised that I would not be home for

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Vote for someone else

8 Tag 248, 19:59 Veröffentlicht in Sweden Sweden

This article will be different from my previous ones in the way that I'll start out by admitting I am drunk as hell. I realize the name of the article might confuse you. You're probably thinking "surely he wants us to vote for him", and you're right,

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I'll be back.

11 Tag 221, 22:41 Veröffentlicht in Sweden Sweden

First off, to all who would like to see me run for president, I'm sorry. I will not be running this month as I will be abcent from the 30th of june until the 6th of July. As I see it right now eSweden needs an active and experienced president and at

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Presidentkandidat för FBS

2 Tag 219, 07:58 Veröffentlicht in Sweden Sweden

Nu stundar snart presidentvalet och vi kom aldrig fram till vem av mig och Flammbar som skulle ställa upp. Jag kommer inleda Juli månad med att åka iväg och supa skallen av mig utan internet i 5 dagar (Slayer wooohoo!) så vi behöver en annan

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