Hintergrund an/aus

Hey Citizens, or whatever...

19 Tag 438, 20:43 Veröffentlicht in Sweden Sweden

I'm what most people call an old fox. I got elected for congress before people like Betamjau, and I was around long before Misho made his awesome impact in this game. A lot of people may view me as (HAHAHA, ASS) an asshole (HAHHAHAH, HOLE) or an

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Hey, Toothpaste!

9 Tag 429, 16:16 Veröffentlicht in Sweden Sweden


The link above points to a thread on erepublik.se. For the lazy ones, I've posted the relevant parts to this article.

Toothpaste: "Det är viktigt att involvera … mehr »

Beer rules!

11 Tag 395, 19:39 Veröffentlicht in Sweden Sweden

Before I begin I need to adress some issues in the comment section of my last article in which I was sober, which sucks. Read this slowly, because I wrote it really slow to avoid spelling errors. Go to the bathroom between each paragraph or

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Simple question. Difficult answer.

17 Tag 373, 17:20 Veröffentlicht in Sweden Sweden

One of FBS new congressmen, Carlos, wrote me after the elections and I gave him som advice on what to do in congress. Then he thanked me and wrote this:

"May i ask why your interest has stagnated? just i have noticed and over exodus of … mehr »

It's over...

14 Tag 373, 01:03 Veröffentlicht in Sweden Sweden

I was a member of congress up until yesterday, and I had been since may. MAY I TELL YOU! Do you realise how long that is? And now it's over! Seriously, I may never run for congress again.

The reason I'm not in congress is because I was not in

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